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The biggest political error in American history was America's decision to adopt Alexander Hamilton's industrialization motif and

abandon Mr. Jefferson's agrarian policy. Mr. Jefferson thought that the farming culture and family way of life was the best way to maintain family centered morality. He thought that the city life was immoral and that it promoted degeneration of morals. He knew that if you allow the city lifestyle to predominate in America it will degradate the morals and the government will use that; the people are going to become so degenerate and criminal that they're going to strip you of the bill of rights and that's exactly what happened. If you read basic textbooks on American law they'll tell you that the reason we live in a totally different system than when we did in the 19th century is because of the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution is what changed our whole law system here. Most of our substandard rights don't exist anymore because of this. You have people being thrown in jail for possessing plants and going 5-6 miles an hour over the speed limit down the road. The nannying that has taken place is ridiculous. The vast overreach of government was because of the decision to become industrialized.

The amish and mennonites have been living free from industrial society for hundreds of years. Have you ever gone to an amish or mennonite community? They're very wealthy, they still have their family structure, they don't have hardly any of our health problems, they have none of our psychological problems. They've done fine.

People think that this is ridiculous, but what is the trade off here? Have industrial technology and the constitution and bill of rights completely scrapped. I mean, the constitution says that only congress can declare war. The congress hasn't declared war in decades. We have a completely rogue government and don't even get me started on the income tax. So, a completely tyrannical government with industrial technology or a legitimate government with the agrarian way of life and actually having rights and freedom in society.
You’re only writing this and posting it because of the Industrial Revolution. BTW, Jefferson changed his mind and eventually became a fan of industry.
@Gibbon our current political divisions are not due to the Industrial Revolution. Plenty of political divisions in Hamiltons time and Jefferson’s time and it was Washington who lamented the political factions that would ruin the nation—the very factions that Jefferson fomented.
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Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
@Gibbon How have insects "outdone us"? We can swat and squash them under our shoes. Can they do the same to us?
Oh man. This is next level delusion on so many levels.

And just factually wrong on several.

And as others have pointed out the tone deaf hypocrisy of writing this while reaping the benefits of what you despise.

And you have a very very strange idea of how morality works.

Oh an the Mennonites and Hutterites have also largely industiralized and yes they do have all kinds of problems including morality.

And in many cases more health issues. That is what happens when everyone is literally marrying their cousins.

In fact the colonies right now are forced to look for husbands for their daughters from the "English" or risk dying out entirely/

You do make some interesting points about declarations of war or treatment of rights, but none of it has anything to do with what you mentioned.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
It being the unofficial spokesperson for the American Taliban a good gig?

Do they give you health insurance? A 401K? Casual dress Fridays?
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25, F
If only things were this simple, but they're not. Industrialisation is a phase that every major nation needs to go through if it doesn't want to be taken over by an even bigger nation that has fully embraced it.
The Amish can keep their simple lifestyle, but I prefer the benefits of hot running water, electricity, and having a car.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
After observing the pitfalls of letting other nations make things we did not he changed his stance as can be seen in this statement, "To be independent for the comforts of life we must fabricate them ourselves. We must now place the manufacturer by the side of the agriculturist."
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Our aggressive pursuit of comfort has certainly impacted our state of health, something but for our advancements in medicine that would be more visible. I will agree the government has gone too far and given itself too much power but the rest is BS.
Agrarian society wasnt competitive with industrial societies, though. Didn't the civil war kind of put that to bed?

Remember Rhett telling folks the Confederacy would lose and Scarlett moving to Atlanta to keep Tara?
Rolexeo · 26-30, M
I don't know what that means, can't you see I'm an American? Say it in American
@RobinRightwild I disagree with your premise— how’s that ?
RobinRightwild · 31-35, M
@BiasForAction WHY do you disagree with the premise?
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RobinRightwild · 31-35, M
@SomeMichGuy Lol your comment is complete emotionalism. Cope.

Also, I never once stated that Jefferson was a paragon of morality. I am only defending his agrarian policy. Aside from this, Thomas Jefferson was a wicked man who is now burning in Hell because he created his own Bible called the Jefferson Bible where he removed all of the miracles, all of the supernatural events.

I completely reject Mr. Jefferson, but he was right about agrarianism. Agrarianism was the focus.

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