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For the non-Trump voters: what is the #1 reason/issue you will not vote Trump?

I read this opinion and generally agree:

I believe we (the voters) give the presidency too much importance and power. The "issues" that people see as important are mostly beyond the president's control. In other words, we put a lot of emphasis on a president to make some meaningful difference, but the reality is that things change slowly no matter who is in office.

The #1 role I see for the presidency is to set an example - that person is the "face" of the USA. A good president should be one of moderation, who can speak to everyone, and is able to adapt to changing circumstances. I would rather vote for a decent human being with whom I may disagree with on political position than a corrupt liar with whom I may agree with politically.
Zeuro · 26-30, F
I don’t want more conservative justices on the Supreme Court.

I’m inclined to agree with your take, though I do wonder, as far as political positions, do you lean more left or right? Because if you lean right but vote blue because trump’s a bad person, I mean bravo, that’s big of you, but if you already lean left and are kinda just saying that… I mean I’m not calling you a liar or anything, I’m sure you do believe that, but it is a lot easier said than done
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Zeuro Many years ago when I was taking high school civics class we took a test to help us decide which political party more closely matched our values. My results came back exactly in the center. When I first started voting, I think I voted for more republicans than Democrats for the first few elections - but I also lived in a majority red state. Over the years, I have been voting more and more Democrat - not because my values have changed all that much, but because the Republican candidates are quite "out there" these days. With the nomination of Sarah Palin, and the reaction to Obama's presidency from the right (tea party lunacy), I have voted for very few Republicans since. The one exception would be local races when a republican is the incumbent, and I have no issues with his/her job performance. I still consider myself in the center, mainly because I am realistic and recognize changes are not easily "forced" upon society as some on the far left would advocate. For example - I certainly recognize Climate Change as a very serious threat that needs addressing but getting society to accept what it would take to immediately curb CO2 emissions is probably not feasible and the backlash could lead to even worse consequences.

As for your first statement, I know many who voted for Trump in 2016 SPECIFICALLY so that he could appoint SC justices to overturn Roe v Wade. And now the state of the court system is very high on my list as to why I will not be voting for Trump. Really, we should not have "conservative" or "liberal" justices, but the reality is that we have many corrupt conservative "activist" justices who come to the bench with an agenda.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Trump stands for nothing I believe in at all #1
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@TheShanachie So in your mind, it's all equally bad?
#1 reason for me is Trump himself, for sure.

And I think it's telling that many Trump voters will fall back on Trump's inability, insincerity, when they say they're voting for him for any issue he supposedly would support or oppose.
BabyDolls · 22-25, T
I worry for the USA. Tho I’m not completely invested into us politics and maybe wrong it seems you only have 2 possible candidates. What I am fairly sure on is that both candidates are awful leaders
Fascism is bad.
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whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@trollslayer Sadly there seems to be no shortage of racists looking for someone to give them permission. As an aconomics guy I have spoken to some social psychologists on why than might be, moreso in America than in other places with large ethnicslly diverse populars. But the theory we came up with is discouraging for the future. I hope we are wrong..😷

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