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Canada Moves Closer To War With India


Trudeau started this rift between Canada and India by racially insulting India with his stupid faces, dressing up and parading around like a fool and then going black face, claiming to be a Pakistani. All Pakistanis are just ethnic Indians but Muslims who wanted their own country, otherwise the same people.

This pissed off both the Hindus and the Muslims in India. Canada was harboring a Sihk terrorist and seperatist group. Canada sheltered and protected them from India, and at the low tides Trudeau's stupid face caused diplomatically, India was forced to act, assassinating terrorists.

When Trudeau confronted India, India demanded to make a apology, but Trudeau just made more stupid faces.

Now India has booted out Indian diplomats.

Should Canada be kicked out of NATO so India can relatiate, landing a Army on Vancouver Island?

Canada hasn't been paying it's 2% military defence spending dues to NATO, they are parasites who don't deserve protection from the bloc anymore.
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@Motzu You have that completely backwards.

And we have a written constitution. Apparently you don't have an education system.

And it is so American to think sovereign nations exist solely to make Americans look good.

Narcissism on a national level.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Canada does have a written Constitution.... in Alberta. No where else.

The Preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms isn't the full constitution. The full constitution is unwritten, pulled out of a judges ass at random intervals and quickly forgotten.

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