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Why Did Liberals Brainwash This Gorilla?



Why did liberals insist on teaching Koko the Gorilla mankind was stupid for killing nature and that everyone had to work together to save nature?

She was just a gorilla. She couldn't read scientific papers, was not trained in empericism. She lived in a enclosed habitat indoors with a pet cat, which she thankfully did not eat alive. If she ever actually saw nature she would likely freak out and demand to be allowed back indoors. To her, the outside world looked like the parkinglot where staff would park outside.

So how did she come to this vision of a liberal apocalyptic universe? It's too philosophically heavy for her to arrive to on her own. If you kept me in a damn cage from birth on and only taught me to say "Theophrastus Good Gorilla" I wouldn't be able to form such complex assumptions on my own.

Some as-hole liberal sat down and taught this poor gorilla in her later years that the world was dying because humans suck, and left her depressed. Why would anyone want to do that? Do you really want your cat walking around fearing end time prophecies? You know those cats taught to press buttons to form sentence, do you really want one asking out of the blue if Putin is going to drop the bomb on them? No, of course not. So why scare a gorilla? What possessed a liberal to torture the mind of this poor gorilla in her final days?

Gibbon · 70-79, M
What @AbbeyRhode said. They are miserable examples of the human species. They can't leave well enough alone and have intentionally screwed with the minds of these creatures that were better off not learning about life as they see it. You mentioned the cat for example. Animals have always had the ability to form a bond with other breeds especially if they started out life and met when they are young. They don't need to be taught that. Teaching the gorilla about death and it's own was a cruel lesson it could live it's remaining years happily without knowing.
There's much they could have done creatively and good with this communication research without effing with the gorilla's mind. But no they had to push all the buttons and drive it into depression and then listen to those idiots talk about it like it was a wonderful accomplishment.
Why? Because it's who they are. Will we ever understand their cruel insanity?
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Meanwhile, in Alabama, scientists tried to teach a sea cucumber that Trump won the 2020 election. They were unsuccessful, as the sea cucumber rejected the premise due to lack of evidence, and 62 failed lawsuits. Apparently the sea cucumber has greater intelligence than Trump Cultists, and more self-awareness.
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