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Obama " It Was My Economy" __ and it was


When Trump took office economy was good - employment was down to 4.2 / 4.7.

Economy was riding off of what Obama established in Trump writing off of Obama's shirt tail
Trump was handed Obama's economy, then destroyed it, and his argument is that Biden didn't clean his mess up fast enough.
One of Obama's great economic achievements is being the only president never to achieve 3% GDP since the gov't began tracking the data. And, oddly enough, the unemployment rate was 8% at the end of his first term until Oct. of 2012, when the rate dropped to 6% with no explanation of how the 25% reduction was achieved. Simply a miracle. Stock market growth was realized through quantitative easing. Not just QE1. Not just QE2. But also QE3 The additional increase in the money supply was to help struggling home owners to deal with their mortgages after the housing bubble burst. But instead, that money went investment bankers and fund managers. As long as the money keeps flowing into the stock market, it keeps going up.
SDavis · 56-60, F

Actually unemployment was 4.2 and 4.7 when Obama left office and he did help over 6 million homeowners.
I've already supplied some information here's one more

Your information is flawed but then I'm quite sure you are a trump supporter - Trump is flawed.

And it wasn't miraculous it was his hard work and Republicans fought him at every turn.
Actually unemployment was 4.2 and 4.7 when Obama left office

Well...which is it? He only left office once. Unless you're saying the unemployment rate was 4.2 at the end of his first term, which is complete BS. It was at 8% until the Dept of Labor did a magic trick to make 25% of the unemployment rate disappear.

Your information is flawed
Why? Because it's right, and dulls the shine on your messiah? 🤣 Obama had 8 years, and not one year did he achieve 3% GDP. He kept the stock market high via quantitative easing. It didn't come from actual economic growth.
Obama forced working people and small companies to pay crazy fees for medicare they couldn't afford and didn't want or use .. that's not American
SDavis · 56-60, F

You are confused Obama didn't force anybody to pay crazy fees for Medicare.
SDavis · 56-60, F


Adrift · 61-69, F
You are what you pretend to be I guess.
SDavis · 56-60, F

Nope you're not what you pretend to be.

Trump all he is is one big bundle of pretense. And uses others for his personal gain.
MasterLee · 56-60, M
Total fake out
SDavis · 56-60, F

Some people can't stand the truth and others reject it.
SDavis · 56-60, F

Total fake out you say? By whom Trump - Trump definitely did fake it.

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