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Anne Applebaum is wrong

Europe hasn't been a heaven of peace since the ending of the Second World War. Nor has the recent war in Ukraine shaken us in Europe out of that dreamy world.

First of all, there have been wars in the period between now and 1945. The Cold War was one major war. Various European countries were still at war. Holland in Indonesia, France in Algeria, Britain in Malaya, etc. Also violent struggles or wars against individual groups like Britain against the Provisional IRA, Spain against ETA, etc.

Secondly, the war in Ukraine hasn't at all awoken within us a fright for war. It's always been there because war has never been something in the past, moreover the memory of the Second World War was still there. The Cold War helped a lot with that. If Applebaum wants a comparision from then I'd say that the war in Ukraine will end up like the war in Korea.

Thirdly, the war in Ukraine isn't a major conflict like the brewing conflict in the Middle East is now becoming. Beside the fear of war there's also the fear of the consequences. Past policies in the Middle East were all about the steadying of the oil price. What happens now with the obvious 'regime change want' for Iran as a result of Israeli might is clearly much more frightening.
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Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
Don't know what to think about The Middle East to be honest.
Not as if any western interference throughout history has proven to be a good idea is it.

Eliminate one vicious dictatorial regime and watch as the next materialises in front of you.

I suppose you could take the view that as long as the infighting is among themselves and confined to what we westerners consider 'traditional warfare' (two sides, clearly identifiable, obvious objectives, good vs evil etc.) They should be able to be left to get on with it.

But that makes the assumption that the end result is in some way good.

And when you get separate cells operating operating on foreign soil with the same ideology....welcome to a mess costing lives of the innocent
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Regime change of the Islamo-fascist theocracy in Iran would be a good thing for all concerned.

Except for the Ayatollahs, of course.
val70 · 51-55
@Thinkerbell To what cost, that's the real question. If you say that you can live without a car and can limit your food consumption to lets say carrots and beans, well, perhaps you make sense then. If Sadam couldn't do it, I'm sure that Netanyahu can't. Of course, it could be all sabre ratling. Again, it's not the Russian who are able to cause Europe to be more fearful

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