Northwest · M
Here's what will help defuse the situation in Lebanon:
1. Hizballah pulling out of the part of Lebanon East of the Litani river.
2. Hizballah dismantling its military machine.
3. Hizballah stopping its daily missiles into Northern Israel. And I mean literal daily, not virtual daily.
4. Hizballah, releasing its grip over Lebanon, on behalf of Iran, and blocking the election of a Lebanese president, and allowing the Lebanese security forces to control the ports of entry into Lebanon.
5. Hezballah: stop sending fighters into Syria to participate in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Syrians, on behalf of Iran, to shore up Assad and help out the Putin goals.
6. Hizballah handing over the killers of Lebanon's Prime Minster, along with the dozens who died when he was assassinated.
7. Hizballah allowing the Lebanese judiciary to investigate the Beirut Port explosion that destroyed a good part of Beirut's Christian section.
And that's for starters
1. Hizballah pulling out of the part of Lebanon East of the Litani river.
2. Hizballah dismantling its military machine.
3. Hizballah stopping its daily missiles into Northern Israel. And I mean literal daily, not virtual daily.
4. Hizballah, releasing its grip over Lebanon, on behalf of Iran, and blocking the election of a Lebanese president, and allowing the Lebanese security forces to control the ports of entry into Lebanon.
5. Hezballah: stop sending fighters into Syria to participate in the killing of hundreds of thousands of Syrians, on behalf of Iran, to shore up Assad and help out the Putin goals.
6. Hizballah handing over the killers of Lebanon's Prime Minster, along with the dozens who died when he was assassinated.
7. Hizballah allowing the Lebanese judiciary to investigate the Beirut Port explosion that destroyed a good part of Beirut's Christian section.
And that's for starters