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This is a ramble, because i just don't get it.

Women dying in hospital parking lots.

The policy of solving the nations woes by placing high tariifs on other nations.
(You don't hear much, as of late, about drill baby drill)

Planning to deport 21 million immigrants. Apparently, if they have some skin color, legal immigrants are included. Placing them in camps and giving them a "serial number."
And for kicks, tent cities for the homeless. Definitely out of sight. Away from commodities, of course.
They can be delivered in rations. You know, like the native americans.

Excuse watching a pair of eagles hunt my property....

Talk about executing the unfaithful. Or simpy imprisoning them.

He takes no responsibility for his actions.

He bowed to putin and the world watched. He kissed Kim's ass as the world watched.
He allowed the woman he called weak and stupid to rattle him over crowd size. Crowd size. Could you imagine if someone he idolizes critiqued him, in person?

His lies are repeated so often and with such conviction that he has millions believing.
I have a brother than can do that. He is a sociopath.
Remember that in just these past weeks, the maga crowd has vehemently insisted that haitians are eating pets. They argued, showed videos and photos. They were convinced of this absurdity, because trump said so. The idea that it put people's lives in jeopardy is of no concern.

He lies about the state of the economy. (It is the best recovery in the world). He says, as he did in 2020, that the stock market will crash if she is elected. If anyone that reads this has investments, they are doing pretty well with them.
Unless of course it's trump stock. That isn't doing so well...

He lies about crime.

I could go on.
And on and on.

I won't even go into his legal woes. That's a whole thing...

So, tell me maga people. What is it? How do you support a guy with these flaws? Do you people ever listen to a full speech or interview with him? I am not an educated individual, but what comes from his mouth has no meaning. He says what floats in his aging head. He's laughable. Seriously.
And his truth social posts. Come on people. Potus? Really?
Ynotisay · M
It's about one thing and policy has nothing to do with it.
The GOP machine has, for years, played the "us vs. them" game. And with Trump, they found someone who truly subscribes to that. You're either with me or you're against me.
Everything he does, and they do, is around the concept of enemy. And to get there they use fear, anger, hate, lies and oppression.
He CLEARLY can't stand on his record. According to historians he's already one of the worst performing Presidents in history. But that doesn't matter to his voters.
They've been systematically trained, like dogs, to have a visceral response around the idea of "enemies." So they're not voting for him. They're voting against "them."
Ask a Trump supporter what they're for and they'll answer with what they're against.
It's the biggest mind-fuck we've ever seen in this country. And it might succeed.
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Ynotisay · M
@Carla The people who yell the loudest about "freedom" are typically the people least likely to apply it to others. THEIR kind of 'freedom" is what they want.
Ynotisay · M
@MistyCee I thinking "breaking shit" is entirely accurate. There's no consideration of what it will be replaced with. They just want it broken.
@Carla says

(You don't hear much, as of late, about drill baby drill)
That's because under Biden we've been setting records for energy production!

Our AMAZING 2023 oil production numbers

The US produced more oil in 2023 than any nation ever produced in a one year span. It's funny how the right wing pretends Biden curtailed oil when in fact we set a world record, LOL!!!

the United States set a new record in 2023 by averaging 12.9 million barrels per day (b/d) of crude oil production, including condensate. This figure surpasses the previous US and global record of 12.3 million b/d, set in 2019. What’s even more impressive is that this record-breaking trend culminated in December 2023, when average monthly U.S. crude oil production soared to over 13.3 million b/d, marking a historic milestone.

Also see Oil & Gas Journal
Same facts confirmed by Fox Business
sree251 · 41-45, M
Kinda sounds like you're just making stuff up, doesn't it?

I did not make up the stuff. Morgan Stanley did.

Key Takeaways

1. Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, opened up more natural gas for production, but the technology added costs to the oil extraction process.
2. Shale oil costs more than conventional oil to extract, but cost-per-barrel of production can be as low as $35 a barrel as of 2020.
3. The cost of conventional oil varies so much that Saudi Arabia can produce at under $10 per barrel.
@sree251 So the baseline truth is that if we extract only CHEAP oil, then we have 5 years of CHEAP oil.

But since 63% of the oil we're already extracting is tight oil, that estimate is meaningless.

No, on second thought, it's not meaningless, it's designed to frighten people, especially low information voters.

You see, expensive oil, tight oil, makes the prices of renewable sources competitive. High priced oil is part of the pathway to renewable energy. If your business is based on keeping the nation addicted to oil, you can't allow renewables to become competitive. Coal is already dying. Renewables are DEATH to big oil.
sree251 · 41-45, M
So the baseline truth is that if we extract only CHEAP oil, then we have 5 years of CHEAP oil.


You see, expensive oil, tight oil, makes the prices of renewable sources competitive.

True. Our oil shale is an oil resource; although massive, it is not our reserves which last 5 years. Extraction of oil from shale need an enormous amount of water causing environmental impact that woke people wouldn't like.

High priced oil is part of the pathway to renewable energy. If your business is based on keeping the nation addicted to oil, you can't allow renewables to become competitive. Coal is already dying. Renewables are DEATH to big oil.

Oil will be phased out eventually but in a manner dictated by market forces.
be ready for the catcalls of sycophants and those that wish we lived in 1890
we must vote, in record numbers,, not just the POTUS office but every congressional ansd senatorial race
i love watching Eagles too
black4white · 56-60, M
I feel what ya saying his followers are a trip if he told them to they need to start selling everything they own so that the moon could turn to the sun these people would… he speaks no sense and they believe he is the savior when actual FACTS show differently they don’t care… it’s sad … and his cult will ignore any negative and twist his words to positives just to be right. When individuals lose the ability for their OWN critical thinking be It right or wrong that’s when Trump known he has them and many have lost that long long ago
Carla · 61-69, F
Indeed, @black4white. Can't blame it all on trump either. He had many enablers along the way.
Now we have this.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
What is the most baffling about this is

Tariffs don't cost China any money. American companies pay the tariff. It just means everything costs more for consumers.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow It's both. He can assert something and repeat it and that's good enough. Tariffs evoke an emotional response about getting the other country and that's the whole point.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow And the tragedy? He is right..😷
Carla · 61-69, F
@CountScrofula the costs will increase and scarcity will increase. People will lose their jobs. It is a losing strategy.
I fully believe he intends to do this because he has almost full authority to do so. No congressional approval. Nothing.
It's a power trip move.
I don't disagree.

One point that likely gets eye rolls outside the US though is this naive idea that Trump is somehow an exception by being chummy with unsavoury leaders.

This is a decades long American tradition.

Be it Kim or Pinochet, Rhodesia, Apartheid South Africa, or Boris Yeltsin, various Saudi Kings....and the list goes on and on.
@Patriot96 Heck Canada and the US used Syria to outsource torture until Gitmo was up and running.
@Patriot96 The fact you have no idea what is going on going back to the 70s is a you problem.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow That fits perfectlt with the US tradition of being a maker and seller of weapons of war . And always looking for places to demonstrate them..😷
hunkalove · 61-69, M
And more than likely he's going to be reelected and finish destroying what little is left of this pitiful broken country.
Carla · 61-69, F
@Repete there is no way he hasn't been briefed on p2025. Whether he remembers is another question.
It's 900 pages. He may have read some of them. If they had his name on them.
Repete · 61-69, M
@Carla he has a great way of remembering things the way he wanted or wants them to be and totally calling everything else a lie or fake news. He’s the biggest spreader of fake news. 😂
ChipmunkErnie · 70-79, M
Welcome to GOPlandia. :'(
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
There is something sick in the America psyche that feels entitled because of what John Wayne and Clint Eastwood did..😷
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Carla By George! I think you've got it!😷
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@whowasthatmaskedman WTF are you babbling about
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@Patriot96 Sorry. I dont have the time or patience with you any more to translate it into small words. But its about you.. Everyone says it behind your back..😷
Secretsmile · 51-55, F
Another woman has come forward about his groping and there was something else but my tired brain can’t remember.
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@whowasthatmaskedman And I don't know what is more disturbing but at some rallies you see women wearing tshirts offering to be molested by him.
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TexChik · F
Carla, step away from the weed and CNN. You need serious help.
SpudMuffin · 61-69, M
@TexChik ok, that's the childish remarks out of the way. Can you answer the question?
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Patriot96 · 56-60, C
A woman dying in a parking lot is tragic. Sounds like an unsubstantiated story. Poor decisions on her part.
Tarifs? Trying to even playing field for american workers and consumers.
China in taking advantage of senile Joe and useless Harris
HobNoblin · 36-40, M
Cry harder.
Carla · 61-69, F
@HobNoblin so original.
@Carla Kind of what they’ve been doing since 11/6/20

ETA: Mmmh,mmh, good!

Secretsmile · 51-55, F
@HobNoblin I hop you are the very first person to get sen to a work farm with no food and very little water
swirlie · 31-35, F
It isn't Republicans who support Trump, it is actually a low-life crowd of uneducated rednecks from other countries who form the basis of the MAGA-movement in America that lies at issue here. Republicans at large have abandoned Trump because he does not support their view of what constitutes a Democratic Republic.
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swirlie · 31-35, F
Again, I totally disagree with you. The very large percentage of America who identify as Republicans, are still the old guard, traditional Republicans. That part of the American 'right' has not changed.

What has changed however, came from the introduction of the Trump Party which formed on the heels of the extreme-right MAGA movement which actually had nothing to do with Trump himself. Trump never formed the MAGA movement, but he did become their spokesman. Trump is a Democrat and always has been a registered Democrat until he entered politics.

The American Republican Party got hijacked by the Trump Party, like the wolf who wore sheep's clothing. It wasn't that the Trump Party replaced the Republican Party, it's more about how the Trump Party has overlaid itself onto the back of the Republican Party like the sheepskin being overlaid on the wolf.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@swirlie Part of your point I concede. The classic Republican party has been ground away since Reagan. It was a hollow corrupt shell by the time Trump came along and ripe for the picking. A whole new party will have to emerge after this, if democracy still has any say at all. The question is, will it be the rarty of the aspirational common man, like Eisenhowers party? Or the party of the privilged rich, Like Liz Cheney and Paul Ryan?😷
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JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@Carla When I started reading this post there were 49 replies.... I wondered who would reply.
Having scanned them, my suspicions were upheld - except for @Patriot96 who, despite being irrational, was the only non-Democrat to participate in the discussion ( dubious kudos for your effort, Patriot 96 ).
Bottom line Carla is (as you can see), you spurred much support for your 'rant'.... the GOP and MAGA people don't 'do' rational arguing. Someone above even said that!
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@JollyRoger thanks bunky. Even thomyou are 100% wrongo
JollyRoger · 70-79, M
@Patriot96 OK.... You say I'm wrong..... What am I wrong about? C'mon buddy... give us something to work with here!

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