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Netanyahu Nixes Cease Fire Plan

Netanyahu trashes US and French plan for Israel-Hezbollah cease-fire

"Not happening", said Israeli prime minister.

September 26, 2024 1:59 pm CET
By Seb Starcevic/Politico

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu rejected Thursday a proposal by the United States and France for a three-week cease-fire with Hezbollah, vowing to keep fighting "with full force."

"The news about a cease-fire — not true,” Netanyahu wrote on social media. “This is an American-French proposal, to which the prime minister did not even respond.”

The White House announced Wednesday evening a proposal for a temporary 21-day halt to hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah, an Iran-backed political movement and militant group based in Lebanon.

The plan was drawn up this week by the U.S. and France during the United Nations General Assembly in New York and gained backing from allies and others in the region, including Australia, Canada, Germany, Saudi Arabia and Qatar.

Netanyahu added that the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) would “continue the fighting with full force” in the north of the country, which borders Lebanon, and in Gaza “until all the goals of the war are achieved.”

Tensions between Israel and Hezbollah, who have exchanged rocket fire almost daily since Hamas’ Oct. 7 violent attack against Israel, reached boiling point last week after communications devices belonging to Hezbollah members were remotely detonated, killing dozens and injuring thousands. Hezbollah blamed the attack on Israel; Israel has declined to take responsibility.

Israeli airstrikes in Lebanon have since killed hundreds of people, injured thousands more and displaced about half a million Lebanese.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
To clarify my other comment - I think the Jewish population of the USA are behaving similarly to the average American pre and post 9/11. There was a whole population who barely paid attention now suddenly sees some kind of simple biblical "good vs evil" struggle while ignoring decades of history. The end result is a bunch of people died and nothing really changed for the good.

I remember summer of 2001, going for a walk with my dad, and saying to him that I had the feeling something will happen in Afghanistan. That view was based upon me paying attention to what was happening in that region. I didn't expect a terrorist attack of that magnitude, but when it did happen, I wasn't entirely shocked. Yes, hindsight, but I very distinctly remember having uneasy feelings a few months prior.

I admit I paid almost no attention to what was going on in Israel the past decade or more - partly because it is not my country, but also because I saw decades of the same old story. I was aware of the push to settle the west bank, and knew that would be trouble, but to this magnitude? When I go back and read articles over the past 15 years, they read like they could have been written last month. With that hindsight knowledge, this whole thing feels like a continuation and should not have been a surprise to anyone who was paying attention (I wasn't paying attention). And if Israel keeps with the same F-U to everyone else attitude, nothing will change for the future. The world is not so simple as "good guys vs bad guys".

What really gets me lately is hearing Jewish people complain about American media not talking about the 4 Israeli hostages that were killed a few weeks ago (the media covered this extensively, so I don't know what they expect), yet they seem to miss an important part of the story. What stood out to me was a description of one of the hostages - how one woman was trying to hide from the terrorists for 4 hours before she was captured and communicating with her sister the whole time. Where the fuck was the IDF for those 4 hours? Netanyahu is screaming at the UN because he lost, and he knows he lost, and he is trying to save his sorry ass rather than admit his failure.
ilikeitlikethat23 · 61-69, M
He has no intention of ending his genocidal orders, amazing the abused DOES become the abusers. Following in Adolf's footsteps, we should cut him off since he is just giving lip service to the rest of the world. Indiscriminate bombings are killing thousands.
@ilikeitlikethat23 What genocide, hmmm?
@NativePortlander1970 we know you're speaking for the entire NATO nation when you ask questions like that.
A well known strategy for corrupt men to stay in power is.....lets have a war.

Bush Jr. knew it.......Netanyahu knows it. The longer Israel stays at war the less the country is willing or able to remove him, try him and throw him in prison where he belongs for all of his crimes BEFORE he began a genocide in the Gaza. Now with Gaza..........and Netanyahu's free days out of prison are closer to coming to an end...............time to attack another country.

Its like trump in many ways. Trump's ONLY way to not die in prison is to run for office and hope to God he wins..............so he can pardon himself. Bare minimum the longer the campaign lasts......the more he can stave off prosecution by claiming he is only being tried for his crimes by political opponents....
trollslayer · 46-50, M
What I find interesting is when I try to google something about the current war I find interesting articles that seem to apply, but later I see they were written 10 years ago. Yet Israel want us to think it started a year ago.
Carla · 61-69, F
Netanyahu can't quit.
Who can stop the USA from arming Israel - or any other war mongering ethno religious rogue regime?
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@SW-User Nope






@NativePortlander1970 it is an Israeli who wrote the article.
@SW-User Making him a traitor
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Northwest · M
@Northwest Immediately after his speech, he walked into a secure room, and called in to approve a hit using bunker busters that targeted what's supposedly the Hezballah headquarters, several stories below residential buildings in Beirut.

A cluster of six tall residential buildings were razed to the ground level. Not clear how many victims.

Nasrallah's nephew was killed, so was a member of Lebanon's Parliament, representing Hezballah.

But Iran issued a statement saying that Nasrallah is safe.
daydeeo · 61-69, M
@Northwest Please take note of that: Iran issued a statement that Nasrallah is safe.
Northwest · M
Please take note of that: Iran issued a statement that Nasrallah is safe.

The hit occurred at 6:20 PM local time, just as it was getting dark, and it will be morning before a full assessment can be taken, and it may be days before they reach his body. But there seems to be no doubt now that he was either injured and will die, or he's already dead.

Israel followed up with a public broadcast, naming several locations, a coffee shop, a bakery, three buildings and a block, asking residents to evacuate to a safe distance, and provided a blast radius map. Then followed up by doing what it intended to do, by hitting them. Locals reported secondary explosions, where stored missiles/ammunition was stored.

Then another strike in Southern Lebanon, took our the Hizballah chief missile commander and his deputy.
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