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How will you pay for your economic plans?

Photo above - "Could you please repeat the question? I was promised there wouldn't be any math in this quiz"

This is the question that produced the look of a stunned chicken from candidate Kamala. See MSNBC interview in the link below.

To be fair, she’s not the only moron on the ballot. If someone had asked Trump the same question, he’d have promised to have them jailed, and their farms and castles confiscated, and their families driven out into the cold winter prairie.

But still, Kamala DOES have the better campaign team, no? The one she inherited – intact – from her president. Okay, let me retract that. Biden’s campaign team is the one sent him to certain doom during his debate. The ones who pretended he was alert and coherent. But Kamala deserves some credit for keeping them all on her payroll.

Well, how WILL American for trillions and trillions in new spending? That 100% tax on Chinese electric vehicles won’t do it. Besides, it sends a mixed message when the government has both a 100% tax AND federal subsidies as far as the eye can see.

If Kamala had been properly prepped, she might have replied “I will raise taxes on the 1%. And greedy corporations that are price gouging. And the fossil fuel industry. But not your viewers."

But there’s a problem with that. Those rich guys are now the ones funneling hundreds of millions of dollars into Kamala's her campaign chest. Maybe someone DID prep Kamala, and tell her to back down from threatening the highest taxes in America's history. Perhaps it will be enough to recycle the 2020 campaign slogan: "Vote for me because I'm not Trump".

The other possible answer could have been: “These are just campaign promises. We aren’t going to do 90% of this stuff anyway. After the election, a bipartisan coalition of centrist democrats scared about their seats in congress and republicans will bottle up all my spending bills. There is nothing to worry about.”

This answer – that spending will NOT zoom into orbit – is the right one, of course. But then Kamala might lose all the single-issue voters who expect to have wallets fattened over the next 4 years. Geen energy entrepreneurs. Student loan debtors. Free college tuition advocates. Free $25,000 home down payment house hunters. People who still believe you can insure everyone for all diseases, including pre-existing ones, and extend people’s lifespan by a decade or more. Social justice warriors. Do I need to go on?

The biggest threat to Kamala’s candidacy is if those single-issue voters stay home on election day. Because they feel left out of the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That would mean crackpots for Trump eke out a win. And nobody wants that. In fact, most people don’t want either of these candidates. So how the heck did we end up here, anyway?

I’m just sayin’ . . .

Kamala Harris stumped by question about part of her economic policy (
I mean. There is a precedent. FDR was elected by the same American oligarch class and he became their number 1 enemy when he did what he did for the rest of the country.

Granted he faced a potential socialist revolution if he didn't (you won't learn that part in school).

They even tried to plan a coup against him.

But it is also interesting that Americans only as "how you going to pay for it" when it is something that benefits the American working class and poor.

If it is bombing a country they cannot even find on a map without help money is never discussed.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow Maybe history will repeat. Something certainly has to change..😷
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow my understanding is that FDR was re-elected 4 times.

in 1932 he won 57% of the votes
in 1936 he won 61% of the votes
in 1940 he won 55% of the votes
in 1944 he won 54% of the votes

it seems that "american oligarchs" played zero role in any of these 4 elections. they were all landslides
@SusanInFlorida They did in the first one and tried a coup when he was re-elected in 1936 with the "business plot".

It only failed because they tried to get Smedley Butler to command the coup.
joe438 · 61-69, M
That's a great analysis, and it's unfortunate that her corral of experts all think you can tax and spend your way to prosperity. Not a one of them would think "gee, if we spend less on A, we can fund B." I disagree that Trump would draw a blank at that question - I think he'd consider spending less money since he's not obligated to funnel taxpayer money to any contributors. He's certainly not very presidential though, and I'd love it if we didn't have to pick between these two.
MethDozer · M
Oh just every other developed country does it. But we can't.

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