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Harris collects liars - they all seem to flock together

Nine high-ranking former national security and military officials who signed a letter Sunday endorsing Vice President Harris’ run for the Oval Office also signed a letter nearly four years agodismissing Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop as Russian disinformation ahead of the 2020 election.

The signatories who signed both the 2020 letter and the endorsement of Harris include: former Director of National IntelligenceJim Clapper; former CIA DirectorMichael V. Hayden; former CIA Director Leon E. Panetta; former CIA Director John Brennan; former Acting CIA Director John E. McLaughlin; former CIA chief of staff Laurence M. Pfeiffer; former Department of Defense chief of staff Jeremy Bash; CIA chief of station John Sipher; and former National Intelligence Council Chair Gregory Frye Treverton.

A group of Benedict Arnold’s who will die on the Harris Biden deception lies coverup hill. The former military chiefs' 2020 letter played a key role in many media outlets turning their backs on reporting on the laptop as legitimate, as well as providing President Biden with political ammunition to downplay the laptop during his debate against former President Trump during the last election cycle.

Perhaps Hunter and “the big guy” bribed them all with regular deliveries of free crack cocaine delivered by Harris. Liberal media outlets, however, changed their tune in 2022 after newspapers such as the Washington Post and New York Times authenticated thousands of his emails on the laptop. The laptop also re-emerged this year when the first son faced a criminal trial in Delaware over his purchase of a firearm in 2018 while he was reeling from a crack cocaine addiction. The trial, which found Hunter guilty on all counts, formally entered the laptop into evidence and was confirmed by the FBI as legitimate.

Is Ukraine paying them too? For sure they will be on Diddy’s and Epstein’s lists. The former chiefs' 2020 letter made headlines again this year when a joint report released by three House panels alleged that active CIA contractors "coordinated" with the 2020 Biden campaign just weeks ahead of that year’s election "to discredit serious allegations about Biden family influence peddling"connected to Hunter’s laptop when the 51 former intelligence officials released a statement dismissing the laptop.

Quite the merry band right?
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Odious @Japrost
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
BOTH FOUL @Japrost
trollslayer · 46-50, M
A trump backer calling someone else a liar….
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
So they are liars because they don't take Q Anon level conspiracy theories seriously?

And what happened to those "consulting fees" for the Trump kids while they you know were actually official government employees as opposed to just the kid of a politician you don't like.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Courtesy of your fellow travelers at CNN


Special counsel David Weiss plans to introduce Hunter Biden’s infamous laptop as evidence against him at his upcoming trial on felony gun charges.

Weiss made his intentions clear in a court filing Wednesday that also blasted Hunter Biden’s lawyers for questioning the laptop’s authenticity, which he called a “conspiracy theory.”

The laptop is at the center of a yearslong legal and political saga, dating to the 2020 election. Republican officials and right-wing outlets have seized on the laptop’s embarrassing emails and images to attack Biden, the son of President Joe Biden. Hunter Biden’s lawyers have said the files were manipulated, and even sued a computer repair shop owner who publicly released the material.

“The defendant’s laptop is real (it will be introduced as a trial exhibit) and it contains significant evidence of the defendant’s guilt,” prosecutors wrote in a Wednesday filing.

Weiss plans to use the laptop to back up his narrow claim that Biden was addicted to illegal drugs when he bought a gun in 2018, allegedly in violation of federal law. Weiss has not addressed the unproven allegation from Republicans that emails on the laptop prove that Biden and his father were involved in corrupt foreign deals.

Biden has pleaded not guilty to three gun crimes. The trial is set to begin June 3 at the federal court in Delaware.

In their own court filings earlier this week, Hunter Biden’s lawyers said they want to contest the authenticity of the materials from the laptop if Weiss brings it up at trial.

“Defense counsel has numerous reasons to believe the data had been altered and compromised before investigators obtained the electronic material,” his lawyers wrote.

Biden dropped off the laptop at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019. His lawyers said in the filing that the shop owner admitted in his memoir that he “began accessing sensitive, private material in the data” right away, and continued to potentially tamper with the data throughout the five months before the FBI seized the device.



@jackjjackson Nobody is contesting that the laptop itself is real. But it is evidence of what exactly? Part of the issue is the evidence supposedly on the laptop seems to change based on whatever the current conspiracy is too.
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Bhs123 · 36-40, F
MasterLee · 56-60, M
They would sign anything obviously
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Bought and sold hacks the bunch of em. @MasterLee
Bhs123 · 36-40, F
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
You know it!@Bhs123
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Yeah it is @BizSuitStacy

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