@RepublicanDad Says who ? The court followed proper procedures all the way . Donold’s own lawyers couldn’t come back with anything. You might not like it, but the convictions still haven’t been overturned. The.verdicts stand.
@RepublicanDad You mean like the juries did ? The prosecution did a pretty good job presenting the evidence. So good even Mother Teresa couldn’t win, that’s what Donny said. Are you claiming it’s all fake ? All the accusations of sexual assault, made up years before he got into politics didn’t happen ? Even the ones he admitted to ?
@RepublicanDad So what was Donold doing all that time in court ? Just sitting there twiddling his thumbs ? You may be in denial, but officially as a matter of law and public record, he’s a convicted felon. The prosecutor did his job and convinced the jury. You might want to think they’ll overturn it, but it’s not happening.
@DocSavage I don’t care what the law says. Means absolutely nothing to me because I believe it’s all a weaponized justice system to curb any chance of Trump reaching the White House.
@RepublicanDad So, what you’re saying is it doesn’t matter if he’s guilty. Even if the evidence were there in front of you, you would still put a rapist and criminal into office. How do you make that work ?