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Oh yeah, it’s coming whether you believe it or not just as the Bible declares!

And all of you rooting for this, just know that your creator told us in his word, it will be the worst time ever before or after!

You will be sorry you ever wanted it.

If you think ‘everyone’ will live high on the hog, you better think again.

King James Bible
For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always (Matthew 6:11)

It will be just the opposite. And also you will have a ruthless and brutal dictator like the world has never seen.. that is IF you miss the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ!

This being ‘one government thing’ is NOT new to humanity. Check out the Tower of Babel in the Bible. God stopped their building of it. Look it up and find out how, should you not know this. I never assume anything!

This indeed will come to fruition BUT it will be short lived… cause The King Of Kings Will Come back just as he said (come with his saints) and make ALL things right!

UndeadSona · F
I mean a single globalized government only becomes problematic when you consider that there's no one to hold them accountable. The corruption is already there they just have to hold back due to having to look over their own shoulders.

Innovation is easy and infinite as the energy problem is solvable/solved on a macro level. And there are micro level fixs that require brainpower. After that? Exploration/bringing up the global standard of living.

The idea that cultures would be erased as a result is almost ignorant. If you consider why things were done a certain way most of the time it boils down to that's how we survived here and that became cultural. To suggest that changing any of that is cultural destruction is that really different from an exchange of ideas but the speed of it is years instead of decades and centuries? Imagine saying going from using a bronze spear to a steel one is cultural destruction. I think if all of the spears were taken away then one could complain. I think we've invested in a tribal mentality and that's cool and all but there's some things about it that are problematic. The reason that people could even be concerned is that for a government to work like that you can't establish a baseline if there isn't a "standard" look but that doesn't have to be an American suburb and it can be regional.

Most of this is impossible due to greed as this government would have to literally just rob billionaires and the global economy would have to shift from consumer based to something that can't exist.
@UndeadSona 🙂

The Bible calls it a bad thing. I just believe the Bible. ✌
UndeadSona · F
@NoGamesTolerated tbh these aren't even similar one is a punishment for attempting to reach heaven the other is the result of humanity base nature
@UndeadSona nope… I’m not going to argue this. Sorry, but you are wrong. Do your research on this. ✌

This is my last comment to you on this.

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