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A Guy In Florida Was Arrested

A guy was arrested in Florida, because he was observed carrying a weapon, near a location where Trump was golfing. He did not fire his weapon, and video footage shows him getting out of his car, and complying with law enforcement without an incident.

He was taken into custody because he was in violation of the law, prohibiting felons from possessing weapons, and for carrying a weapon with the serial number filed off.

He was detailed on weapons charges, not for an assassination attempt.

More might come out of this, but Trump did not lose a beat, asking for more money and his crowd is pushing a "Democrats want to kill me conspiracy theory". The sleuths figured out that he gave to the Democrats, on 9 or so occasion for a grand total of $140. He also backed Haley and voted for Trump in 2016.

What does that make him? Another nut case, with an axe to grind. Probably, but unless he confesses and demands that he be locked up, the only charges that can be brought against him, are weapons charges. Unless something he's written proves he directly threatened Trump. Apparently he self-published a book last year, that may be perceived as a threat against the former President, and that would be a federal offense, but it will depend on what he actually wrote.
Tastyfrzz · 61-69, M
He probably will say he was hunting feral cats for food.

Meanwhile Trump is threatening women with the loss of prenatal care or abortions andvthe entirety of Europe with Russian aggression.
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@Tastyfrzz would fly if he was haitian.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
One more charge can and will be made not directly related to this incident.

The man is a ex convict and therefore can not have any type of firearms. Also since he is a ex convict already, the maximum charges will apply to anything he will be convicted for, even if it's a threat.

Just being there with a assault rifle, in the presence of a ex president is considered a threat.

Why Trump has secret service agents.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Northwest the threat was a weapon.

If he wasn't a felon and legally obtained that weapon, no threat!

There's a huge difference for having a weapon and being a threat!

You yourself said

the only charges that can be brought against him, are weapons charges.

Being a threat is not a weapons charge! Knowingly having COVID around an ex president is a threat! Covid is a virus, not a weapon, yet still a threat.

Two different charges there.

You said

Apparently he self-published a book last year, that may be perceived as a threat against the former President, and that would be a federal offense

If he did so that's a threat. Same with the weapon being a threat! Yet not a weapons charge.

Making such threats by felons is worse!
Northwest · M
@DeWayfarer Jesus Christ. You're stuck in one of your loops. Never mind.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@Northwest no. It's really simple. You're just willing to understand that there's a difference.

Have a good night
trollslayer · 46-50, M
It will be a bit interesting to see how this plays out. There is quite a history of nutcases not being detained for long because what they were really trying to do is difficult to prove. In other words - handcuffed by law technicalities. So, they charge them and imprison them for the maximum they can under the provable charges - gun violations, tax laws, trespassing, etc. No different than Jan 6th people. They just say they were "caught up in a mob/protest" and made no specific or individual threat, and then they get a few months for trespassing.
Vin53 · M
They charged him with the charges they knew would put him immediately in jail with no chance of bail. Further charges are certainly pending.

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