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Why I feel so fiercely negative about our education system

Look it reminds me a lot of that scene from the matrix where he's like most of these people are not ready to be unplugged and are so hopelesly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it right? That's the thought that's crossed my mind a lot.

As I view it today as it stands, there's a never ending orgy of forces at work in our society that are basically fighting to uphold a system that has never really truly been understood by the public well enough to get their real buy in because they wouldn't if they fully understood it.

I'm all for public and even potentially compulsory education but under a completely and fundamentally different model than the one we have and that's what this is really about like the rest of I want to see americans be smart I want them educated I want them to win on the international comparison test I have the best of intentions too, but the whole problem is we have a system that was largely amount creating obedient soldiers who would follow the chain of command rather than actually educating anyone because it was seen as too dangerous to educate them too well because then they have power then they organize then they challenge the power structure and that's a problem for certain elements that are really in charge of everything.

So as it is, it was broken before No child left behind, which broke it worse, and then Obama came along and poured gasoline on the flames of the broken system, and we've had no shortage of reformers who have taken the system from bad to worse but let's not kid ourselves no Child left behind really isn't the Origin of what went wrong in our education system, it was just, a tinkering, that broke it worse than it already was.


As I see it, the whole problem with fighting to hold THAT system up, is that it just enables that system to raise objections and concerns against the Montessori education system that it really ought to be and resist the badly needed revolution.

We don't need tepid small adjustments anymore to the system, and we're not going to settle for them, it's time for the wrecking ball to knock it all down, and I say this not because I'm too naive to fear it might not be easy to build on top of the ashes of the old system, I AM, but that's a risk I feel it worth taking because things are so deeply broken that a few changes here and there is a lot like trying to rearrange the deck chairs on the titanic the boat was already going to sink, there was no point.

I say revolution because one of the key differences between revolution and reform is that reform tends to want adjustments whereas revolution wants fundamental changes to the most basic elements of things, in essence a reformer wants to fix the system by making small adjustments, a revolutionary wants to replace the system and make sweeping massive adjustments.

Well, I feel the system is so hopelessly broken that nothing short of Systematic and massive change will fix it. We need to start over, question what was so rotten about us that we chose the Prussian system in the first place and retool and redesign a brand-new education system, hopefully inspired by the pedagogy of maria montessori.

What education needs is bold, revolutionary change that will transform it into a system that those living in it today will scarely recognize it once it's all over with.



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