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Still Undecided After That?

If you are still undecided about your vote for president after the debate last night, I have to question your sanity.

You may not agree with Harris on her policies, but how can you possibly consider voting for Trump at this moment?

He is an unstable idiot. He is the King of Mendacity and Conspiracy Theories. He is a weak bully coward. When he touts Viktor Orban as a pal, can not tell you if he wants Ukraine to win their war with Putin, says babies are being killed shortly after being born, then tops it off with Haitians in OH eating peoples dogs....OMG!

He needs to be fitted with a straight jacket and placed into a padded cell as soon as possible!

Now many know Trump's history, that goes back decades, long before he came down the escalator.....but today, 9/11/24 is a solemn day in our country. So I will remind you of some lies he spouted after 911:
1. Trump said he sat in his building that day, and as the towers fell, he said he saw thousands in NJ, cheering as the towers fell.
2. He said that he was there at ground zero and aided in the clean up.
3. He said that he lost many friends on 9/11 and attended a number of funerals.

Every single statement he made was a LIE!

What kind of person says these things?
Answer: Donald Trump, a deranged and damaged soul who needs to be committed to an asylum ASAP, not winning an election for POTUS.
Northwest · M
But Trump is saying that he won the debate "by a lot". 🤣
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
You mean... you truly believed that politicians never lie? 😳
And this is the first time you've ever come across this phenomenon? 😳🤣
Northwest · M

In other words, they tell lies.

Oh, wow. The Nobel committee will be reaching out, any minute. I have some news for you: you did not invent the invent, and the rest of us see politicians for what they are, and understand the difference between simply deviations, and outright fraud. You're not that smart.

No, he isn't, because I'm not a Yank. I live in Australia, was born in England, and have Austro-Hungarian ancestry.

Really? I had no clue. 😭

your emperor has no clothes.

That's a general expression, given how staunchly you defend the douche bag, no matter where you come from.
Bellatrix2024 · 22-25
That's a general expression, given how staunchly you defend the douche bag, no matter where you come from.
Is that all you have? Personal insults? Why do you call him a "douche-bag"? What justification do you have for this?
Oh, wow. The Nobel committee will be reaching out, any minute. I have some news for you: you did not invent the invent, and the rest of us see politicians for what they are, and understand the difference between simply deviations, and outright fraud. You're not that smart.
"Simple deviations", LOL 🤣 Lies are lies, no matter how big or small, or however they're justified by the liar. If something isn't true, it's false, and if someone deliberately distorts or exaggerates the truth, then they're lying.
It's that simple. I already knew this when I was four. What's your excuse?
And by the way, yes, I am smart, much smarter than you will ever be. ☺
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