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Which would be better for the economy? Banning gasoline cars, alcohol, tobacco, or firearms?

Photo above - the state of Vermont has a police snowmobile platoon, just like California has motorcycle patrol units.

This isn’t a trick question. At least a dozen states are on track to completely ban gasoline powered cars. See link below.

This is an amazing idea, considering the Biden/Harris administration is on track to completely ban the sale of affordable EVs which are made in China. 100% tariffs. I suppose someone will claim THAT's going to raise living standards for the middle class, too?

The economic equations here are dubious. Banning gas cars might force Americans to buy electric ones (or ride bikes, or take the bus). A 100% tax on foreign EVs might mean more jobs for the UAW. And what’s good for General Motors is good for the USA, right?

Which are the 12 states? They’re listed in the link below. But let’s just focus on 2 of them: California, and Vermont. Vermont???? Where it gets so cold that your EV battery range is cut by 30%? And with one of the $hittiest public charging infrastructures on earth? The only thing more bizarre would be Alaska banning snowmobiles. Well, in Maine and Vermont, many households have a snowmobile as a second car. You know, for days when there’s 30 inches of snow. Maybe THAT’s the plan. Your EV will be you summer car, and your Polaris Titan Adventure with a 650 CC engine will be on primary duty from Halloween to April 1st. Remember to bundle up and bring extra mittens for the commute to work or that grocery run.

California, you’re next. Explain yourself. You’re running out of Kilowatts. Bitcoin mining, AI “training” (theft of copyrighted intellectual property) and huge mega mansions are draining your grid. And about those brownouts and blackouts whenever there’s a brushfire . . . any plans on how to fix that? California will probably be the first state where topping off an EV could cost more than gassing up a normal car. Unless they keep raising the gas tax, which they definitely will.

I love EVs. And I plan to buy one just as soon as the price drops by half, to the neighborhood of a Toyota or Honda. Cars which a affordable, more reliable, cheaper to insure, and less likely to get in an accident (Hertz, you may present your evidence to the court at this time.)

If you asked me – 20 years ago, as a high school student – what enlightened future generations would vote to ban, I’d have written an essay on Tobacco. Or Alcohol. The big health risks to our nation, driving down average lifespans and costing both insurers and employers billions. Instead, we have states rushing to legalize pot. And possibly harder drugs. Congrats to Oregon for reversing themselves last month. You cannot legally inject Fentanyl or heroin anymore.

If anyone seriously believes that Vermont and California are going to prevent global warming, I would like to point out that the current ice age peaked 20,000 years ago, and that glaciers have been retreating ever since. We’re in the waning years of this ice age, and when those ice caps DO completely melt, Florida, Naples, and half the Philippine islands will be submerged. No matter what kind of cars are outlawed or subsidized.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

12 States Making the Leap to Ban Gas-Powered Cars (
jackson55 · M
I think the honeymoon is just about over on electric cars. Fires are a daily occurrence. Too expensive to repair.
80% of the lithium comes from China.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@jackson55 last year i bought share in "Piedmont Lithium" which was planning domestic US lithium mining operations. It's fallen to $6.83 since - about 90%. The reason? Enviornmental groups, the department of the interior, and other government agencies are trying to prevent this type of mining.
jackson55 · M
@SusanInFlorida We don’t have much lithium here. It’s an environmental hazard to mine the stuff. That why most of it come from China.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F

according to the internet, there is 14 million metric tons of lithium ore already found in the USA.

I can't speak to the safety issues. If it's more dangerous than coal, uranium, or copper, I'd be surprised.
nedkelly · 61-69, M
Rule 1 - deport all illegal immigrants out of the USA

Rule 2 - get rid of the DEI - and go back to the most suited person for the job
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@nedkelly in 2016 i predicted "the wall" would never get built.

i wrote in a column that Trump would be better off spending the money arresting and deporting gang members and people with felony warrants, rather than trying draw a bulls eye on the back of every immigrant - 20 million.

we can and should arrest and deport felons, drug dealers, human traffickers, and people with counterfeit IDs.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Yea, that will work. Not communist much/totalitarianism
Musicman · 61-69, M
Actually none of those would help the economy at all.
Justmeraeagain · 56-60, F
@Musicman it seems like banning all these things we just put a lot of people out of work
Musicman · 61-69, M
@Justmeraeagain Yes we would.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Musicman my post was ironic. sorry it went over some people's heads. my bad
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