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Can Adam Kinzinger Save The Republican Party?

The Hill:
If Trump loses, expect a Republican civil war

Edited from the full article:

On August 15, Kinzinger fearlessly spoke the truth about Trump to more than 20 million primetime viewers who watched the Democratic National Convention. His message delighted former Republicans like me who want a party to come home to. Kinzinger said, “Donald Trump is a weak man pretending to be strong; he is a small man pretending to be big. He’s a faithless man pretending to be righteous. He’s a perpetrator who can’t stop playing the victim.”

Kinzinger dared to say what many in the Republican Party (including elected officials) only think: “The Republican Party is no longer conservative. It has switched its allegiance from the principles that gave it purpose to a man whose only purpose is himself.”

Shockingly, Fox News cut away from Kinzinger’s speech. Were they shielding their viewers from the truth? If Trump loses, those viewers and voters must hear the truth to set the Republican Party free from Trump’s control. But first, the party is destined to wage a war for the future.

Much has been said about a possible civil war breaking out should Trump lose the election. In the complete article, Myra Adams believes that the actual civil war will occur within the Republican party, as it tries to excise the cancerous growth of Donald Trump and his family. Wannabe's like Ron DeSantis and Marco Rubio look into the mirror and see themselves as the next president, even Nikki Haley, who disparaged Trump, but then angered her supporters when she decided to bow down and support him. J.D. Vance? He will disappear into the right-wing trash bin. The struggle to rid itself of the Great Orange Stain, will be a challenge for the former party of Lincoln or Reagan, now fully known as The Party of Trump. Only time will tell if they are successful in their purge.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
We need a robust two-party system. What we have now with Trump is a battle against his tyranny, criminality, authoritarianism, and minority rule. Had Republicans stood up and purged Trump following his anit-democratic insurrection in January 2021, the party could now be running a strong candidate that supports democracy and the rule of law. But sadly, with few exceptions, they all bowed down to Trump and chose the low road. That could very well cost them this election, and the next, and maybe more. All they will have left will be grievances and violence.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Let it implode. The oligarths will keep a trumper while those interested in actually governing can fight it out.

Eff Reagan. He started this slide into insanity.
RockerDad · M
I can count on one hand the number of Republican leaders that have shown any spine when it comes to Trump. Some made public statements against him, but in the end, kissed the ring anyway, or got out of politics all together. The message sent to young people who want to get into politics now, is that the crazier and more unhinged and mean-spirited you are, the more chance you have of being successful.
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