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The Abbey Gate Bombing, Biden's First Great Blunder

I like to think Biden was thinking if he had never existed, like in the movie "It's A Wonderful Life", all those dead people would still be alive and the world would be a better place. He'd of course be right. This is what happens when you put a mentally declining geriatric patient in as Commander and Chief.

Military has experts on phase withdrawls, on defensive warfare, on evacuations. People who should of been coordinating this. Captain Sh'tface in the whitehouse didn't. Kamala is claiming she had a big role i. The Afghan withdrawl decision. Did that extend to doing it in retard mode? A vice president shouldn't have a say in such a situation. Best to shut up and observe, unless you had a military backgeound prior.

It reminds me of Hillary as Secretary of State in Benghazi. People try to paint her as the mlst amazing secretary of state ever, while brushing over her dragging ass on sending reinforcements to Benghazi despute the repeated requests. I don't quite understand this modern ass dragging and indecisive decision making in the heat of the moment, yet keeping as a policy a ironclad grip on a absolute withdrawl of all forces out, without sending some out to guard and atand overwatch and do defensive fire and air patrols, and keep actively collecting intelligence by swnding out forward observers. Stuff a competent military commander would do. Stuff democratic leaders absolutely forbid. When they say retreat, they want a immediate troop reduction, when in fact you need to surge it with a different kind of troop to secure the rear, allowing everyone else to retreat as they alowly pull back.

Biden definatley should of known this, because he has this thing called THE PENTAGON telling him, and The Joint Chiefs Of Staff and Secretary of Defence right there telling him. If he needs a second opinion, a boatload of generals right across the Potomac are available to tell him. Heck, the Marine standing guard in his dress uniform in the hallway can be asked. He can ask the pilot of Marine One too if he wants to. He isn't lacking access to military opinions. Why he always gotta pick stupid?
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