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Japan condemned for politicizing its Nagasaki remembrance day.

Western ambassadors pull out of Nagasaki memorial after Israel not invited.

Slamming Japanese mayor’s ‘politicization’ of event, US and British embassies say they’ll send lower-ranking diplomats; Australia, Italy, Canada and EU slated to follow suit.

Media reports said Australia, Italy, Canada and the European Union, which together with the United States, Britain and Germany signed a strongly worded joint letter to Nagasaki’s mayor last month, would follow suit.

US Ambassador Rahm Emanuel will not attend “after the mayor of Nagasaki politicized the event by not inviting the Israeli ambassador,” an embassy spokesperson told AFP.
eMortal · M
I think the world now knows. He can change his mind if forced to, but we all now know what that mayor thinks of the current Israel/Palestine situation.
Bumbles · 51-55, M
@eMortal Making the memorial political was a poor choice given Japan’s war record. I have strong feelings about these memorials but at least they were neutral before.
eMortal · M
@Bumbles Yup. It's easy to forget what they did in China. It was worst than what is happening in Gaza. But the Gaza situation is fresh in our memories.

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