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Scenarios where the camel becomes using 25th Amendment doesn’t become president or doesn’t use it and multiple potential outcomes.

1. 25th Amendment and President before election wins and remains President
2. Loses election then 25th Amendment for a few months
3. 25th Amendment loses election and President for a little more time
4. No 25th Amendment wins election takes over in January
5. No 25th Amendment loses election and career over

Putting that all together and the logic that if Biden is incapable of running he is incapable of serving takes us down a rabbit hole. The Biden deal made by the Dems in charge lets him stay in office so he can claim dignity and also let’s the camel campaign and not have to do president work. Meanwhile the Dems put us at risk. Sure it would be risky with the camel in the WH but perhaps slightly less so.

No matter how one slices it the dem power brokers have take away the nominating process from the people and had our country at risk for years and intend to keep it that way. These people are traitors.

Thinkerbell · 41-45, F
Nah, no 25th Amendment.

The NY Times just listed Biden as the 14th best US president of all time.


How could you possibly remove the 14th best president before his term is up?!
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

No, I'm NOT kidding; check the link I posted.

BTW, Obama is 7th greatest on their list. 😂😂😂

1. Lincoln - 93.87%
2. FD Roosevelt - 90.83%
3. Washington - 90.32%
4. T Roosevelt - 78.58%
5. Jefferson - 77.53%
6. Truman - 75.34%
7. Obama - 73.8%
8. Eisenhower - 73.73%
9. LB Johnson - 72.86%
10. Kennedy - 68.37%
11 .Madison - 67.16%
12. Clinton - 66.42%
13. J Adams - 62.66%
14 .Biden - 62.66%
15 .Wilson - 61.8%

Well at least they got Lincoln right; I'll give them that. 🤭
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
Hit and miss selections @Thinkerbell
eli1601 · 70-79, M
@Thinkerbell Obama, LBJ, and JFK are all way overrated. JFK didn't even make it to three years in office.
Fukfacewillie · 51-55, M
Paranoia runs deep…

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