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I keep hearing Republicans saying Democrats are only getting behind Harris because she's not white, Diversity Ethnicity Inclusion thing

Conveniently ignoring the fact she's already Vice President of the United States and second in line to the presidency for almost 4 years now.
And prepping people to marry the word woke to her for however long she's relevent.
TheShanachie · 61-69, M
Racists squeal loudly
Surely this would infer that Republicans are only getting behind Trump because he is white. I mean, out of the two candidates Trump is the one who came into office with no qualifications to be there.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@FishBotDimwit …and less than zero attributes to return there four years later!

Plus so many felony convictions to boot!

RedBaron · M
@FishBotDimwit But it is irrelevant to this election, in which Trump is the more experienced and arguably qualified candidate.

That’s not a reason I would vote for him (nothing would make me vote for him), but it is reality that he has actually been president while she has not.
@RedBaron And your point is not relevant to the point that I'm making. When saying that Kamala is a DEI hire they are not making that assertion because she is not as experienced as Trump. If that were the case then any candidate who hadn't yet been president and had a protected characteristic could be deemed a DEI hire. My point was perfectly clear and was drawing an equivalence between two potential candidates at the time that they were potential candidates.
Richard65 · M
Writer Greil Marcus on Substack. July 2024:

In the first couple of minutes, Biden seemed so barely there, confused, and unable to finish a thought—there never was a coherent argument—I couldn’t see how he could recover. He didn’t. When he said “We beat Medicare” I knew the hole was deeper than I’d ever imagined. Sure, he meant “We solved the Medicare funding problem, opened it up to negotiating drug prices, lowered the insulin premium,” but he threw it right into Trump’s wheelhouse and he predictably hit it out of the park.

I think the story is now set in stone. Trump’s support is a mile wide and a mile deep. The ‘Save Democracy’ banner is meaningless on his side. As I’ve argued before, I don’t think support for democratic government or democratic political culture has amounted to more than 65 percent of the country in our history, often it’s been far less, and it’s far less now. Many people don’t want the burden of democratic choice, they don’t want more people included in the polity rather than fewer, they don’t want the far more free America we have now than before, they want someone to tell them what to do, what to think, how it’s going to be, and get out of the way. Biden’s support was, I believe, somewhat wider and far more shallow. I don’t believe he can continue as a credible candidate. Harris can’t be thrown overboard. It would confirm that she was never more than window dressing. It’s Biden’s fault that she was buried in the administration when she should have been built up.

Biden could withdraw on the simple basis that “I care more about the country than myself,” endorse Harris as ‘my personal choice,’ and call for an open convention. Other than Harris no possible nominee is well known or fixed in the minds of most of the electorate. Which allows for self-definition and a new story. A well handled convention—dream on, with the pro-Hamas demonstrations guaranteed to disrupt it from inside and out—with an interesting, dynamic, well-why-not nominee—Whitmer, Shapiro, Warnock, Pritzker, Tester, Klobuchar—could come out of the convention with a flood of enthusiasm that could possibly be sustained or even built upon. And a strong candidate, even if they lose, could help protect the Senate, which will be the only check remaining if Trump reclaims power.

—I wrote this soon after the June debate. Biden just dropped out, which I didn’t think he would. Though Dean Phillips’s he’s-too-old-he-can’t-win campaign looked silly by the end, he couldn’t have been more predictive: and since he never considered himself a serious alternative, but was trying to open the field, brave. At the moment it looks as if party names are rallying around Harris. It’s too late to gin up a Draft Whitmer-Shapiro-Pritzger-Kelly-Beshear movement; someone would have to step out and say they have a better chance of beating Trump and here’s why. As I said above, a candidate who is undefined can define themselves, and Harris is defined. Although a friend came up with a campaign slogan today: PROSECUTOR VERSUS FELON. Which Amy Klobuchar could run with too.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Republicans just lost their lead story and are struggling now..To make things worse, Trump is counting on Elon Musk to keep a promise. This isnt going to end well. Right now he is throwing stuff at the wall to see if anything will stick. Like the transfering of Bidens campaign funds to Harris, which is common practice..😷
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
The RNC Chairman and Mike Johnson literally just told the party to stop attacking Harris over her race and gender. The 'DEI' thing is just a polite way to imply racial slurs.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@Patriot96 Yes dude that's my point.

It's all diversity politics. Picking a white guy is just as deliberate as picking Kamala.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@CountScrofula uh, lets see now. Whites make up over half of population. Black women make up about 6%. Kamalatoe isnt really black so she is in an even smaller demographic.
She isnt qualified to tomrun a lemonade stand
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Republicans are always going to fall back on racism, even after Democrats overwhelmingly chose Biden in the 2020 primaries, when there were plenty of non-white candidates.
Elessar · 26-30, M
They're freaking out because they expected a fracture the moment Biden would've resigned from the run. They clearly had no contingency plans and now we're seeing a raw moment of utter desperation.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@Elessar chaos and desperation define tRUMP!
It's equity, not ethnicity. But yeah, they're grasping at straws as usual. It doesn't need to make sense. All that matters is that it's offensive and personal, because they know talking policies will make them lose.
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
Is that the best they can pull out of their asses?
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KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
Girls' faces formed the forward path from phony jealousy
To memorizing politics of ancient history
Flung down by corpse evangelists, unthought of, though somehow
Ah, but I was so much older then. I'm younger than that now

—Bob Dylan
Onasander · 41-45, M
Kamala was chosen because South Carolina's Democratic Party leadership demanded a woman of color be choosen in return for them backing Biden back in 2020. So by default she was the DEI choice. That's literally how it went down as described by Democrats themselves four years ago. We can start digging up old clips if you want.

I honestly think they could of compromised and just looked for a better black candidate who wasn't evil, who had charisma and a vision. Who didn't smoke pole as her sole means for climbing the political ladder back them in San Francisco. Someone people could look up to and respect and not be accuse of slave labor practices by prisoners forced to unfairly labor for her. That sort of person.
Onasander · 41-45, M
@BohemianBabe Omar and AOC didn't screw their way into higher office. Kamala did with Mayor Willie Brown.

Honestly, worst sexual thing AOC did was use porn terms in a feminist setting. Worst Omar did was marriage fraud (which is bad but she likely knows not to run for president).
Omar and AOC didn't screw their way into higher office.

Neither did Kamala. But if Biden chose Omar or AOC, the Right would find a sexual relationship they had with a man at some point, and they'd say that's how they got their power.

Honestly, worst sexual thing AOC did was use porn terms in a feminist setting. Worst Omar did was marriage fraud (which is bad but she likely knows not to run for president).

See? Y'all already have something ready for them in case they ever run for president. So much of Fascism is just sexual insecurity.
honestly think they could of compromised and just looked for a better black candidate

A president steps down. He endorses his vice president. The party gets behind her.
I'm not sure why that situation would be so unbelievable. Whatever color she is.
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Jackaloftheazuresand · 26-30, M

In late April, more than 200 black women who are leaders and activists within the Democratic party signed an open letter to the presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden calling on him to select a black woman as his running mate.

"It is a fact that the road to the White House is powered by Black women and Black women are the key to a Democratic victory in 2020," they wrote.

In early May, about a dozen of the women who had signed that letter made their case directly to Biden and some of his senior staff in a conference call. Their pitch was about timing and history, but it was also about strategy. They believed a black woman would help Biden win the White House.

Polling from a Politico/Morning Consult survey this week found 46% of Democrats say it's important for Biden to choose a candidate of color as his running mate.

Still, strategists and advocates are eager to point out that they want the right black candidate, not just anybody who fits the demographic description. The killing of George Floyd has raised questions about bias in the criminal justice system and law enforcement's relationship with the black community. And one complicating factor is that a couple of the black women on the VP shortlist have law enforcement backgrounds. Harris was a prosecutor in San Francisco and Demings was the police chief in Orlando. A law enforcement record was once seen as an admirable trait on a political resume, but some progressives are leery of a candidate with such ties.

Hmm now what is one of the big criticisms about the diversity hire? Something about not being fit for the job. We all know the constituents would have chosen a better black woman to represent them than Kamala because they said as much but because the Democrat leadership doesn't actually care about what people want they just picked her because her race and sex are superficial pandering to hide the fact that she is really just someone owned by their regime. Any other lockstep democrat would fill her shoes but the problem is, to quote Biden, "You ain't black"(and a woman)

So yeah it's not the ONLY reason but it is the only reason she was chosen over others with her views.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Right-wing- corporate oligarchy forces want to encourage racism. They want us divided against each other. That last thing they want is for the People to get together and advocate for their own interests.
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
Harris will be Bidened very soon. She is a dead weight on the party. Did you see Chuck Shumer trying to get people to applaud for Kamala. He wound up being the only one who clapped.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Kamalatoe was crowned vp because of dei
RedBaron · M
How many, considering she’s been a candidate for barely 48 hours?
Their obsession with her is weird.
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MasterLee · 56-60, M
@James25 woke means they check boxes excluding qualified
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