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A Running Mate for Harris...

There's lots of talk about who would be the best running mate for the Democrat presumptive nominee for president in 2024, Vice President Kamala Harris.

Gov. Josh Shapiro would help deliver Pennsylvania. Gov. Gretchen Whitmer would help deliver Michigan. Gov. Roy Cooper may help deliver North Carolina. Sen. Mark Kelly may help deliver Arizona.

But what they all lack is strong national security and foreign policy credentials.

That wouldn't be the case with retired Admiral James Stavridis.


He's held the following commands:

Supreme Allied Commander Europe
United States European Command
United States Southern Command
Enterprise Carrier Strike Group

After 37 years in the Navy, Stavridis, 69, retired in 2013.

If Harris wins the presidency, Stavridis is unlikely to seek it himself in 2032 (the next open ticket for the Democrat presidential nomination as Harris would almost certainly run for re-election in 2028).

But he would bring bonafide national security experience to the ticket and would talk circles around J.D. Vance in that area.

With a war going on in Europe and the possibility of war with China over Taiwan at any moment, wouldn't it be of great advantage to President Harris to have a navy man as vice president?

Make no mistake: if China attempts to invade Taiwan, it will almost certainly launch a pre-emptive strike against the United States in the Pacific, with Guam the most likely target. It will not be a war of our chosing, but of China's. And we'd better get ready for it starting yesterday.
JSul3 · 70-79
Mark Kelly/AZ.

Former Navy pilot and astronaut. He brings youth and energy to the ticket and can campaign across the country on his own, as Harris does the same in other states.

He has 2 years left in his term. AZ has a democrat governor, who will simply appoint a candidate to fulfill the term....so no impact on the Senate, in the short term.

He lives in AZ...a border state. He can help address the concerns about the border and immigration, a topic that will be hammered on by Trump/Vance.

He can address gun violence. His wife Gabby, was the victim of an assassination attempt that has crippled her for life and a young child was also killed that day.

You can make the case for others, but IMO, Kelly needs to be the VP.

We don't need another Tim Kaine...all due respect.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Have no idea who you are comparing to Tim Kaine.
JSul3 · 70-79
@beckyromero Kaine was HRC's VP choice.
She needed a better choice.
I was hoping that she and Bernie could have reached an agreement and he would be VP.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

I know Kaine was Hillary's pick.

And I thought he was a poor pick.

But Sanders would have been even worse.

All we would have heard about is "Russia, Russia, Russia" as Bernie's choice for his honeymoon.

I would have preferred Adm. Stavridis, who Hillary reported vetted, or retired NATO Supreme Commander Gen. Wesley Clark.

Sen. Bill Nelson might have swung Florida. And, even if not, the resources the Trump campaign would have had to divert to there, might have allowed Hillary to hold the "Blue Wall" and win the election. A switch of less than 50,000 votes in those states from Trump to Hillary would have done it.

Ultimately, it was a poorly run campaign.
I think Stavridis might be a great Sec. of Defense, but to bring back into the ticket the thing which most turned off voters (age) seems a misstep.

In the "politics Monday" segment on PBS' News Hour last night, the excitement of young voters was mentioned as a huge positive from Biden's bowing out. Democrats need that to not only get younger people to vote, but also help bring the wavering middle into the fold.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
It doesn't matter who she picks, she doesn't have a snowballs' chance in hell of winning!
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wouldn't it be of great advantage to President Harris to have a navy man as vice president?
Why? Are you saying that President Harris is not qualified? Are you saying that President Harris needs to consult a MAN on such matters?

Then why vote for her in the first place?
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@NoThanksLeon not everyone is the top of every field. Most certainly not even one field with Donald Trump. It's why he had to pick a hard liner himself.

At least Harris was on the top of the legal field! Plus she has held the vice presidency! She had to become a diplomat, which is badly needed because of Trump!

"Putin is my friend", "Xi is my friend", "Kim jong Un is my friend" is not diplomatic to our real friends!
not everyone is the top of every field.
Every Republican is expected to be. Remember Sarah Palin and the newspaper questions? Grilled by Katie Couric and Charles Gibson.

I know, I know...that's "different".
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
@NoThanksLeon not it's not different!

You think Harris hasn't held press conference as either attorney general of the worlds fifth largest economy or as vice President?🤣

She puts Palin to shame there! Economically Alaska is a minor state on the level of West Virginia!
TrashCat · M
@Experienced33 And a better choice than jD Vance 😃
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BigBulge · 41-45, M
He's 69 years old ???!!! Are you serious in recommending him to be our Vice President ? My money's on the governor of Pennsylvania.
Vetrov · 61-69, M
“So there’s no truth to the rumour, that she’s putting Hillary Clinton on the ticket?”
Vin53 · M
Mark Kelly checks a lot of boxes.
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JSul3 · 70-79
@TrashCat Whitmer has said NO.
Maybe 2028.

Like Pete too, but not for '24.
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SevIsPamprinYouAlways · 56-60, F

TrashCat · M
@Patriot96 We'll vote for her because she is qualified and capable and not an elderly, cognitively challenged felon and buffoon. You better get your priorities straight and stop thinking with your pride & emotions.
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beckyromero · 36-40, F
[@ boudinMan]
you know who would make harris look really good? mickey mouse... wait, maybe minnie mouse.

Post something other than cr@p and I wouldn't have blocked you.

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