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Like I said, Democrats do NOT trust the Democratic Process. Legally elected President Trump said it too.

Excuse me, YOU IDIOTS. I'm about to present FACTS.

Trump Mocks Dems Dumping Biden: 'That's Democracy?'

"Sort of interesting: This guy goes and he gets the votes and now they want to take it away. That's democracy. They talk about democracy. Let's take it away from them."
Trump denounced Biden and Democrats disenfranchising American voters by "throwing out" the results of months and nearly 50 states' Democrat primary elections.

Points to ponder:

1. Unelected Joe HAS THE DELEGATES. The DemoNazi primary is past. And the idiots voted for him.

2. His handlers (and a bunch of REALLY stupid liberals) either were too dumb to recognize his failing mental health, or they just didn't care. That changed when Trump kicked his ass in that debate and he looked like an Alzheimer ward at a hospital.

3. The attempt on LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP'S LIFE (from a shooter either on an Iranian payroll or a Democrat payroll) BOOSTED his already high approval ratings and poll numbers, (as well as fund raising stats.)

4. NOW the DemoNazi leadership wants Unelected Joe OUT. (never mind that the party has NO ONE who can beat LEGALLY ELECTED PRESIDENT TRUMP in the fall.

If you are still a Democrat after your party just DUMPED on the Democratic Process, you're too stupid to live in this country. You should move to Venezuela to be with the other idiots.
boudinMan · 61-69, M
@BohemianBabe hunter, is that you?
@boudinMan See? Y'all have something in common with him.
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