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Racism and bigotry among Republicans

There has been a long standing history of racism and bigotry among Republicans of the southern slave states. And in today's environment it seems to be getting worse with Donald Trump as its figurehead. It is ironic that Republicans with their racism and bigotry think that they are superior when in actuality it is because of their very racism and bigotry that makes them inferior. Superior people are not racist or bigots.

And the same is true of Christians who pout themselves as good people with high moral values. When in reality they are worse than most by the hatred and judgment of anything or anyone that is different from themselves. It is ironic that they think of themselves as having high moral values when in reality their moral values are far inferior than those they condemn.

And of course this is not to say that all Republicans are racist and bigots and that there are no Democrats who are racist and bigots. Nor is it to say that all Christians stand in hatred and judgment of others who are different from themselves.
badminton · 61-69, MVIP
Their racism and bigotry has a purpose: They want to keep the majority of us hating and fearing each other.

Us regular people outnumber the billionaire and corporate class a million to one. If we get together we have them beat. For them to keep control over us they have to keep us divided againist each other.
James25 · 61-69, M
@badminton good point
Prison1203 · 61-69, M
I’m guessing that’s why they all voted in favor of civil rights in the 60’s while EVERY democrat voted against it ,which party started the KKK and which party freed the slaves? Maybe you should revisit your history.
James25 · 61-69, M
@Prison1203 I am afraid it is you who does not know his history. Back during slavery the slave states of the South were Democrat and the northern free states were Republican. Then during the 1960s the Democrats of the Southern States switched to Republican because they or against the passing of civil Rights Acts of 1964 and the voters Rights Act of 1965. It is the southern slave states who have always remained racist whether they were Democrats during slavery or Republicans in the '60s.
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