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Sooo this ASSASSINATION is Staged but Republicans questioning the election is a stupid conspiracy theory....

DocSavage · M
You might want to remember, they failed to produce any evidence for election fraud. And that Trump’s own lawyers told him there wasn’t any.
I doubt the shooting was staged, but that don’t prove the election was rigged either.
And then there’s the fake electors, and that call looking for 1200 votes that didn’t exist.
It’s not beyond reasonable doubt.
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@DocSavage the same courts that rejected any actual evidence/testimony to be shown/heard in court and have been fighting tooth and nail against voter registration laws ever since they were proposed...

they sure do spend a lot of time and money denying/blocking a story that supposedly doesn't exist... 🤔

the left doesn't have the best track record when it comes to denying what they deem as "conspiracy theory" (russian collusion, hunters laptop, Jan 6th, ashleys diary, etc.)

People don't get defensive when they're telling the truth, they get defensive when they get caught lying...
DocSavage · M
I have no idea what you are talking about, neither do you.
TexChik · F
Funny how that works isn't it?

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