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$1.7 Billion in ‘lectric bus subsidies just announced for swing states. 116 days until they vote !!


[i]Photo above - the fantasy (EV buses); the reality - current bus service.[/i]

Do you live a swing state named Michigan, Pennsylvania, or Georgia? Good news! The White House just announced billions to subsidize electric buses assembled by UAW members in your state. (see link at bottom) But how about if you live someplace else?

Ohio – you can play too. You voted Trump in 2020, but how about 2024 with the new bus deals? Indiana, you’re invited too. Illinois, Maryland, and Virginia, your check is in the mail, even though your 2020 loyalty isn’t yet in question.

Let me reassure everyone, I have NO BIAS against electric buses. Even though there apparently aren’t any in Florida, I’d try one out if someone pointed me in the right direction. I already ride on electric trains, and was in an electric Uber car once. My only beef is that billions are being spread around like manure to UAW assembly lines in an election year. This is how deficits happen, in case you didn’t make the connection.

We went through the same thing this year with Ford’s battery factory, offshore wind turbines, and electrified school buses. Who-eee! The future’s so bright, we’re going to need sunglasses. Are those six experimental hydrogen refineries still going ahead?

Let's build as many electric buses as we can. But why not have their users (NY, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco, etc) pay what it cost to buy and operate them? Why must EVERYONE ELSE’S tax dollars be funneled to decaying inner city bus lines. We’re already subsiding their Amtrak service, aren’t we? And that’s electric/hybrid.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

~Biden awards $1.7 billion to boost electric vehicle manufacturing and assembly in 8 states (
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
I thought the electric bus company went broke. I know my city bought millions of dollars worth of those things and they are all parked because they can't get parts for them. Well that and the fact that they are pretty much useless. They got about an hour and a half of battery life in them and then they need to be recharged for hours. Their diesel competitors can easily run 8 hours on a tank of fuel and in a few minutes be ready to do another 8 hour shift.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Unproven and unsuccessful tech
Crazywaterspring · 61-69, M
I saw electric busses in France earlier this year. Freaky quiet!

They're not suitable for Texas. They can barely keep the lights on in the energy capital of the world.

We have an extra sales tax to subsidise busses and light rail.
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@Crazywaterspring i would love to take an electric bus. i imagine its quieter and more relaxing less diesel exhaust.

but i don't want to be taxed to send those busses out of state, to NYC, Chicago, LA, etc. Let each state pay for their own buses. California and New York state are the top 2 wealthiest, anyway.. Why do they need MY taxes to keep their buses operating?

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