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Federal Trade Commission says we were overcharged billions for insulin, and is suing. First you cheer, then you go “OMG, is this the same as . . .”

Photo above - Drug manufacturers are sticking it to us with overpriced insulin, due to rebates. Is this happening with other stuff, too?

Rebates. Who doesn’t love rebates? Well, the FTC. They’re suing big drug companies - and the insurers – for making medicine too expensive. It’s a kickback scheme called “rebates”. The drug companies pay rebates to insurers, so that patients (you and me) are steered to the most expensive brand name drugs, instead of generic alternatives at much lower cost. (See MSN link below).

So far I’m on board with this lawsuit. I don’t have diabetes today, but who knows about tomorrow? And if this skullduggery is taking place with insulin, it’s probably hidden in dozens of off-patent drugs. Go get ‘em, FTC! Let’s save billions.

Okay, are there any OTHER examples of rebates raising the cost of stuff? Besides prescription drugs, I mean? Hmmm . . . yes . . . one does come to mind.

My boss at work bought a Tesla Model Y. And bragged for days on end about the $7,500 tax rebate he got. Paid for with MY tax dollars, because I can’t afford a Tesla, with or without the government kickback. A tax rebate is still a rebate, right?

If you don’t believe EV rebates made Elon Musk a billionaire, google something like “Tax rebates saved Tesla from bankruptcy.” Holy IRS form 8911 (the one you need to file to get a Tesla kickback), I sure hope none of America's Insulin companies go bankrupt once their clever rebate scheme is stopped. I’m pretty sure they won’t. There are lots of companies making insulin, which don’t need kickbacks. Just like there are lots of EVs from car companies that aren't propped up by IRS EV tax rebates. Companies like Hyundai, Kia, VW, etc produce lower-cost EVs without the need for millions in government bribes to people to buy them. EV kickbacks ONLY apply to the cars made by US autoworkers.

I’m pretty sure we could end all EV kickbacks, like the insulin kickbacks, and not have the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse show up. So just do it. Everyone wants affordable medicine – and cars.

I’m just sayin’.

~Feds poised to sue pharmacy gatekeepers over high drug costs (

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