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Both Hitler and Biden Suffered From Parkinson's Disease While In Office

Will further parallels between the two emerge over time, or are they already happening? Have you ever taken care of a family member with Parkinson's Disease? What signs and behaviors can we expect Biden to begin to exhibit? Which traits are the worst symptoms for a world leader with access to a military and nuclear weapons to exhibit while suffering from this sort of cognitive decline?

Pray For Joe! 🙏 😔 🙏
Biden doesn’t have Parkinson’s.

You should be more concerned about Traitor Tot’s resemblance to Hitler.
calicuz · 56-60, M

I see making diagnosis by feelings is now a right wing pass time.
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow politics doesn't help Americans so they keep to the subject of age or wellness.
calicuz · 56-60, M
Hitler was only 50 years old when he invaded Poland, what the hell are you talking about? 🤣

There are more parallels between Tяump and Hitleя than βiden.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
PD runs rampant in one part of my family. Per my understanding, there is no definitive diagnosis but the accumulation of symptoms. Parkinson’s and Lewy Body disease are basically the same, and it’s generally called one or the other depending on the sequence of the symptoms. Hallucinations being probably the most dreaded symptom. If hallucinations and delusions appear first, it’s differentiated from Alzheimer’s because hallucinations can be so overwhelming compared to confusion and dementia and the disease is called Lewy Body. Other PD symptoms usually come later but because the hallucinations can be so severe the other PD symptoms by comparison are less an issue. If other PD symptoms appear first it’s usually called Parkinson’s. If and when hallucinations start it then becomes Parkinson’s with Lewy Body or Parkinson’s with Hallucinations. The best I can think of for why the hallucinations or Lewy body words are so significant is because in many cases,until then, someone with Parkinson’s can be functioning. Once the hallucinations start it’s the game changer and they can become a danger to themselves or others.

As far as I know, there are no drugs that will stop the hallucinations or delusions. Some may see monsters others may see angels, or their long deceased grandmothers and have happy experiences with the illusions.

I agree that Biden displays PD symptoms. He seems to be functional with mild dementia. There are lots of test to evaluate the amount of dementia. Like can he draw simple geometric figures, or draw the face of a clock and put the numbers in the right place. Is his handwriting shrinking? Hallucinations? When he wanders off I think maybe so. Like he may be following an imaginary person.

Everything considered, let’s remember that he works for us. He isn’t a king and we aren’t his subjects. Like him or not, he owes us a status check of his mental and physical health.
Oh, hunting for Hitler similarities, are we? How about these??

windinhishair · 61-69, M
@ElwoodBlues Sieg Heil!
@ElwoodBlues But, ya know, Biden might have parkison's.

And that's really why the Nazis were so bad. That's why we're so careful not to let Nazis in power again. It was because Hitler had parkison's and no other reason.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
Joe doesn't have Parkinson's Disease according to his physician. And he shows no signs of it.
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
@PicturesOfABetterTomorrow And drinking bleach, shining bright lights up their rectums, slurping up ivermectin and pool chemicals, etc.
Biden drinks water. You know who also drank water...
I agree with your closing comment.
Politics aside? Why deny it? The country needs to reject the politics now, too, not just the party and the person.
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