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81,283,501 to 77,122,690.

No, that's not the vote totals of Joe Biden and Donald Trump in 2020. It's the vote totals of Joe Biden and Democrat candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives.

I'm sick of all this bed-wetting by Democrat members of Congress "worried" about "down ticket" races in November.

Where have they been while Donald Trump has been bashing Biden the past 3 1/2 years?

Oh, sure. Rep. Nancy Pelosi has been vocal. Rep. Adam Schiff. Rep. Jim Clyburn. Rep. Jamie Raskin. Sen. Richard Blumenthal. And a few others.

But most of them have sat on their hands the past 3 years waiting for Donald Trump to self-destruct.
DeWayfarer · 61-69, M
I'll bring it up once again. Newsom has supported Biden. Huge speech the other night.

beckyromero · 36-40, F

Note that I said, "I'm sick of all this bed-wetting by Democrat members of Congress..."

Newsom is NOT a member of Congress.

And, yes, he has been a loyal surrogate (although I think the whole debate idea with DeSantis was a bad idea). Come on. Nothing involving Sean Hannity is going to be fair.
This message was deleted by the author of the main post.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
[@ MarthannBann888]

I don't have time for anyone that starts with the letters KKK.


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