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Kamala for President: death throes of a failing state.

From bad to worse we go. As a nation, we are dying in plain sight for the world to see.

Active dying is the final stage of the dying process that lasts roughly three days. Active dying occurs after the pre-active stage of death, which lasts for about three weeks. By definition, actively dying patients are very close to death, and exhibit many signs and symptoms of near-death.

Is there life after death?
I don't think the US has hit bottom yet. The probability of Trump being re-elected increases daily. The Marxists are not about to relinquish control without a fight. Things are bound to get uglier.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Things are bound to get uglier.

I dare not look. The ugliness we visited upon foreign nations is coming home to bite us. Trump is the obvious target for regime change if he succeeds in getting into the election. He is our Che Guevara, Viktor Yanukovych, Joan of Arc, not to mention Jesus Christ, all rolled together.
graphite · 61-69, M
Frightening thought, to have someone who tended to the sexual needs of a man in power to get power herself, becoming president. I'm not even sure Harris knows where Toronto is, never mind the rest of the world.
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graphite · 61-69, M
@SwarmSona Please provide proof that most politicians over 50 are sexual predators. We've got Biden, with the Tara Reade accusations dismissed by the Democrat media, and the shocking allegations in Biden''s daughter's diary, but not a whole list making up a majority of politicians.
SwarmSona · F
@graphite pretty sure that if you went state by state, district by district and did any sort of digging you'll find a history of cover-ups and accusations splattered across the US. Most of which seem to magically resurface with more details and evidence when people are on the outs or they're trying to prevent someone from getting in. The over 50 part isn't even needed, most of these clowns have blackmail that only shows up if they rock the boat and the rest don't even matter as they make up the minimum.

You can try to make this a dem or rep thing if you want but they're all freaks to me.
Americans can vote and do good things at any point.
This killing to the last living thing is greatness. Being a democracy at peace is no picnic for sadistic suicidal winners of history. It's not fun for killers.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@Roundandroundwego Heavy stuff. Can you unpack it? I want to respond but don't want to put my foot in my mouth.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Life sree...But not as you know it..😷
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