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Proposed 28th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

"Neither the President of the United States, nor anyone who shall succeed to the office as president or to act as president under this Constitution, shall be immune from prosecution for violating any law of the United States.

Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation."
First, let's make sure we don't hand off the Presidency to Trump. Even that may not be possible, but would take a lot fewer votes and time then an Amendment.

An amendment, I might add, that, under this decision, Trump could use executive power to quash. Keep in mind, Becky, if you put your name on that Amendment, Seal Team Six could at your door.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Keep in mind, Becky, if you put your name on that Amendment, Seal Team Six could at your door.

I trust the U.S. Navy would ultimately do the right thing. They won't support "President" Bonespurs to tear up the Constitution.
"Proposed" and will fail.

You do understand what it takes to actually add a constitutional amendment?

Also, if it actually was in the constitution every former president alive would be charged: Jimmy Carter, Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump and Biden as well as every furure President.

The only thing stopping them from not being charged would be who's got the most votes in congress. You really want that?
beckyromero · 36-40, F
Also, if it actually was in the constitution every former president alive would be charged: Jimmy Carter, Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump and Biden as well as every furure President.

"Could" be charged.

Which was our system of legal justice until this past week.
fanuc2013 · 51-55, F
There have been a lot of "proposed" amendments that never went anywhere. It takes years to get an amendment through the process, and by that time the reason for all this will have been forgotten
@beckyromero "Would be attempted" depending on what party is in office or not.

Which is still not constitutional, and thus not part of out legal justice.

Supreme court sent it back to the lower court.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Good luck getting that up...Either way, this is not going to end well and those who act will be seen as the villains..😷
Look at you, thinking the establishment Liberals are going to stand up to Fascism.
eli1601 · 70-79, M
28th? Does that mean you have given up on the ERA?

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