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Vice President Kamala Harris Is Now Polling Within the Margin of Error Against Trump.

It's 47-45. (CNN)

Reuters/Ipsos has it at one point. 43-42.

Republicans had better be careful of what they're wishing for. They're all calling for Biden to drop out of the 2024 race. But the President also has another choice: resign and let Kamala Harris run as an incumbent against Trump.

Harris is currently running better against Trump than ANY Democrat, including the President.


I want a victorious Biden-Harris ticket in November.

But if President Biden makes the decision not to run for re-election, then resignation is the better option than havoc at the convention.
KateATX · 41-45, F
You can’t be serious?! You believe that? The most unpopular VP in the history of the country replacing the most unpopular President in the history of the country? Please! 😂
KateATX · 41-45, F
@ElwoodBlues oh right. That’s why the leadership of the DNC and all their major donors are calling for your guy, privately and publicly, to step down. Got it. You’re as delusional as @beckyromero
beckyromero · 36-40, F

All you've done is what many people like to do: say something that you don't like is not true and expect that alone should be reason enought for people to believe what you say. Yes you are, of course, free to voice an opinion as much as anyone else.

Now you COULD create a SW question of your own to voice your belief that any Democrat other than Biden or Harris could somehow have access to all the campaign funds designated for the Biden-Harris 2024 general election ticket. I say you "could" do that but it's highly unlikely you would do so because that would be akin to inviting others to criticizing YOUR post. It's so much easier to troll someone else, isn't it? Only time will tell.
@KateATX I pointed out to you that antipathy towards Trump is far higher than towards Harris, and you respond with a total nonsequitur about replacing Biden! Nice work!!
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
IF (unlikely) Harris becomes the nominee the release of her negative acts will sink her. Most likely Biden will resign I. The next two weeks. Harris will be president and appoint (under the instructions of the powers that be) the VP. That VP (having been handpicked will be the dem nominee. Logic says if Biden isn’t capable of running as a candidate he isn’t capable of running the country NOW. The dems will have the November candidate in executive office (not Harris) running as a kind of incumbent. You’ve been schooled. You’re an amateur dem partisan hack.
beckyromero · 36-40, F
IF (unlikely) Harris becomes the nominee the release of her negative acts will sink her. Most likely Biden will resign I. The next two weeks. Harris will be president and appoint (under the instructions of the powers that be) the VP.

NOMINATE someone to be vice president. He or she would need to be confirmed by the House AND Senate.

And there would be arguments by MAGAnuts that the House shouldn't confirm her pick. Because should something happen to her while the office of vice president is vacant, Speaker Mike Johnson would become acting president upon his resignation as Speaker and Member of the House.

Most likely it would be someone who has no presidential ambitions, as thus assure a least a handful of Republicans that the pick isn't to be a candidate at the convention or her running mate in November.

Therefore, under that scenario (a Biden resignation coming soon and before the convention), I think whoever Harris would pick as her running mate will NOT be the same person as who she'd nominate for vice president.

Potential VP nominees should include (someone out of office or, if a senator, one from a state with a governor who is a Democrat): Adm. James G. Stavridis (ret.), Sen. Chris Murphy (CT), Sen. Chris Coons (DE)
hippyjoe1955 · 61-69, M
And that was Kamala "Round Heels" Harris's family!
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Kamalatoe is the most disliked vp in history.
Kinda difficult to believe that polling
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@beckyromero in her case it is deserved
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Tiredish · F
@beckyromero He's not wrong. Is it still misogyny now?
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

According to this HuffPo poll, Michelle is the only Democrat that could easily beat Trump.

The Democrats might try to get Michelle to run, despite her (apparent) unwillingness, with the assurance that she would be a figurehead, and that Barack would do the actual work.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

As usual, Ellie, you're dodging.

"Michelle Obama ― author, attorney, and wife of former President Barack Obama ― has a double-digit lead over Trump, 50%-39%, according to the Reuters/Ipsos poll."


As for Harris not lifting a finger to campaign, that's probably to her advantage, or more importantly, not opening her mouth.
As soon as she does the latter, she's apt to drop 10 points.

But I don't blame you for dodging this time, Ellie; you're probably still in shock from last Thursday night, when the cat irretrievably got out of the bag.

Even the NY Times and Jake Tapper won't cover up for Biden anymore.

@Thinkerbell Dodging what? There was no question🤣😂
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NatureGuy77 · 56-60, M
The one thing he placed her in charge of was the border and it’s an absolute disaster.
jackjjackson · 61-69, M
When you read the threads I wrote beginning with Biden resigning by the end of next week and you and I voting for Gov Josh Shapiro for president in November you will finally learn something.
Tiredish · F
The Republicans are counting on Democrats hating them.so much, thry will ignore common sense and keep Joetatoe in it.
eMortal · M
Let's wait and see
beckyromero · 36-40, F

We won't have long to wait and see.

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