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Wait . . . what? California hired new 360,000 government workers since 2022?

Photo above - example of absurd regulations which were drafted, debated, passed, and signed into law. Now the state needs to staff up to enforce compliance.

File this under “unsustainable economic practices”. For every private sector job which flees the state, the government created two public sector jobs. That’s 360,000 new employees which need to be supported by tax dollars (see “Newsom Brags” link below).

Oh, and by the way, taxes are being increased massively in California. By tens of billions. This is what’s called a “death spiral”. Fewer taxpayers, higher spending, higher taxes.

What do these new government drones do? The article is vague on this. Clearly they don’t respond to 911 calls. There’s an epidemic of shoplifting, and in many districts police only respond to “shots fired” calls. Maybe they distribute tents and syringes to the homeless? Sit in committees discussing what sort of new taxes could be imposed? Conduct environmental impact assessments which take months – or years – before granting a construction permit?

That’s actually what’s happening San Francisco. And then the state government stepped in to put a stop to it. The battalions of permit granters and review boards are now officially sitting idle, because a new state law (SB423) short circuits a lot of this red tape. See “dem housing war” link below. Of course, the politicians of San Francisco – and their friends and family who work in those permitting fiefdoms, are hopping mad. But evidently not out work. They’re still being paid for doing little to nothing. This is why working for the government is the first option for anyone without credentials or qualifications. There’s always a job opening if you know somebody. Before I moved to Florida, the department of transportation head in my state was a former women's bowling champion.

This is the point at which my critics reply “well, Miss Smartypants, what’s YOUR solution?” As if there aren’t any solutions, simply because they are too ideological to grasp them. So here’s a few ideas:

Freeze new state hiring. If a position is vacant, it stays vacant until the next budget year. Suck it up, bureaucrats.

No new taxes. Stop the job flight to Texas, Arizona, Colorado, Utah – and Mexico.

Halt all government experimental/research programs involving drones, driverless public buses, hydrogen fueling stations, and “green ammonia”. Blue ammonia too. Let someone else fund this research, and California can piggyback on the surviving technologies.

No free college for illegal aliens. No free healthcare. No free needles (for anyone). No get out of jail free cards for drug dealers simply because they know someone on the city council.

Yes to more construction. Bypass the bureaucracies which are creating problems, not solving them.

These are just for openers. They won’t fix everything. But it’s my answer to morons who whine "but there’s nothing we can do”.

I’m just sayin’ . . .

~Independent report: As Newsom brags, all California job growth is in government (

~Dem Housing Civil War Comes To Head After San Francisco Forced To Allow More Construction (
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
That is how dems lower unemployment rate
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Wol62 · 51-55, M
Fascinating but what are you reading that the moment?

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