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The more Biden, Democrats & tha MSM pals yell LIAR!!! at Trump

The more Biden, Democrats & tha MSM pals yell LIAR!! at Trump …

The more it comes across like Al Capone yelling CROOKS at anyone who doesn’t pay extortion money to the real crooks.

Adam Schiff and his accomplices at the DOJ took too many trips to the Russia-Russia-Russia well, and the MSM has noticeably ignored more than enough of Biden’s lies to make the MSM news hour look more like their comedy hour.

While this may all be entertaining to us anti-Democrats, it’s important to realize that desperate people sometimes do desperate things.
akindheart · 61-69, F
the Dems cried wolf too many times and now no one believes them. my die hard family is not posting anything about Biden. no one believes the liar part either
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@Heartlander I know you don't watch CNN, because you're in the right-wing bubble, but CNN fact-checked both Biden and Trump after their debate. They didn't ignore either candidate's lies.

Try leaving your bubble sometime.
Heartlander · 80-89, M
@BohemianBoo I spend more time watching house and senate committee hearings than any (so called) news channels. More time watching YouTube city commission meetings. I rather watch house shopping in Antarctica on a H&G channel than what's on network TV.
@Heartlander So where are you getting all of these NPC talking-points from? Memes?

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