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It's totally a real country,,- just ask the people we Bomb.

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A country don't need no democracy to be legit - that's woke.
Richard65 · M
I watched this interview with Matt Kennard, a British journo who's worked in the USA. He completely nails how things work in reality. Not sure where you are, or if you can access this. But it's a fascinating take and well worth a watch.

sree251 · 41-45, M
@Richard65 Yes, it is a great video. "War is a racket" is also a good read. So,how come you don't believe in the existence of Deep State?
Richard65 · M
@sree251 because it isn't Deep, we all know about it. It's just the way the world works. Deep State is sold as a secretive, nefarious organisation, something akin to a James Bond movie. It's basically the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex, elements of your elected government. It isn't a Deep State, it's literally the way western governments work.
sree251 · 41-45, M
because it isn't Deep, we all know about it. It's just the way the world works. Deep State is sold as a secretive, nefarious organisation, something akin to a James Bond movie. It's basically the CIA, the Military Industrial Complex, elements of your elected government. It isn't a Deep State, it's literally the way western governments work.

In a way, it is secretive. The Espionage Act, that Julian Assange had to suffer, hides a lot of government secrets. The secret files of the JFK assassination is still classified for crying out loud. I want to know who killed him. If it is not hidden elements of Deep State USA, then spit it out.

You don't think the US Government has classified info on the killing of 3000 Americans at the New York World Trade Center on 9/11? You are trivializing the evil nature of democracy sold to the populace as a good thing. A true democracy has no excuses and must operate as defined to all parties of the agreement, namely the people. No Espionage Act. We don't need it if our government does its work as Major General Smedley Butler advocated in "War is a racket". US Navy operates no further than 200 miles from our coastlines instead of breathing down the neck of China by sailing warships thru the Taiwan Straits. Does the UK Government tell you Brits why it has kept Hong Kong after WW2? Isn't it like the CCP of China keeping the Ise of Wight as a result of a treaty imposed on Her Majesty, Queen Victoria, by the Sick Man of Asia in 1839? Why does that Sick Man want to stay so close unless he wants to look up her skirt?

As it turned out, both the US and the UK has a massive nest of spies holed up in Hong Kong. When the Basic Law in Hong Kong was amended to allow extradition of anyone charged for a crime in Hong Kong to mainland China for prosecution, all hell broke loose. The US style street protest erupted big time in Hong Kong. When that went nowhere, except destroyed lives and businesses, the Basic Law was amended to allow extradition to Beijing. The next thing that happened was a pull out of hundreds of staff holed up in the US and UK clandestine operations in their so-called consulates.

So, what is hiding behind classified information of the US Government or any government, for the matter? You don't like the concept of Deep State because you accept the nature of the beast called a democracy as opposed to any other any other form of political system that is dishonest, oppressive, and treat its citizens as a dispensable human resource.

You probably love your father as he is, a no good lout who cheats on your mother, and God knows what else he does with you and your siblings. He is dad, and its all good.

(Nothing personal, Richard. I am attacking complacency, not you personally.)
deadgerbil · 22-25
Roundandroundwego for president 2024

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