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It won't be a stolen election in 2024 when Biden wins again.

It did not matter when no one turned up for Biden's rallies in 2020 while Trump's spoke to the multitudes at his. Biden won anyway. Biden will win again even though he is in worse shape than before. There are folks here in this forum who will rather have a corpse as President instead of Donald Trump.
Different time, different circumstances. The main concern during that time war covid, which Trump failed to handle. This time the main concern is inflation, followed by immigration. And the media has convinced people that Biden is to blame for inflation and border crime.
@sree251 So when you say the Deep State, you just mean Americans?
Richard65 · M
@sree251 that's just called government. If it's so Deep, how come you and legions of others know all about it and are completely familiar with its plans? Not so much Deep State, more a Blindingly Obvious State. I also find it hee-larious that you think the UK's nefarious operators are left wing. You clearly don't know much about the UK 😄
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windinhishair · 61-69, M
Since a corpse WOULD be better than Donald Trump, anyone running against the convicted felon would be preferable.
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SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
@Richard65 My rebut is similar to yours. All your smug accusations could just as easily be turned around on you...How do you know the deep state doesn't exist? It seems to me that you have come to this conclusion due to convenience, and not any sort of intellectual exercise. Since Trump supporters speak of the Deep State, and you hate and fear Trump, its convenient and easy for you to take the position that the existence of the Deep State is a conspiracy or at the very least, completely exaggerated.

Yet, had you dived into the revelations given to us by some of the people I referenced, Daniel Ellsburg, etc. you would see evidence of the type of nefarious actions Trump and his supporters speak of.

Are you denying the existence of multiple, overlapping intelligence agencies throughout the Western governments? Do you truly believe they completely operate benevolently, openly, and look out for the common interests of Western populations? Do you deny the revelations regarding some of the actions of these intelligence agencies? That they overthrow governments? Influence elections? Assassinate rivals?

If you don't deny them, how are you so sure they don't do the very things to their home countries and allies that they do to our supposed enemies?

Here's what I see.

It's convenient for you to take the position that the actions and existence of the Deep State are fake or exaggerated because your beliefs currently dovetail theirs. The number one goal of the Deep State right now is the destruction of Russia and our ascendance over China as a economic rival. That's what they care about right now. They care about Israel. They care about exporting our weapons to anyone who will by them. They care about exporting our culture so everybody buys American.

They definitely don't want some failed Casino boss taking over and mucking this all up with his narcissism and ego. They were caught completely unawares by the surprise election of Trump. Had you been an American and lived here to witness that, you would see that clearly.

For the very moment Trump was elected, was the very moment they turned on him and started promoting the fake Russian asset story. Then when that failed, they tried to impeach him for withholding aid to Zelensky. You know who blew the whistle on that correct? A CIA analyst blew the whistle on that. You don't care because your agenda is theirs. That's the reason you mock these notions, its not because you know anymore then anyone else here.

One of the things I've noted about you Brits is this consistent, overarching air of superiority over Americans and other Westerners. You guys REALLY love looking down your noses and past your bad teeth at Americans. That is clearly a British obsession. Telling everyone else what and how to think. It's not for you to judge American politics and tell us what we are doing wrong. American conservatism IS real conservatism, it's just a different definition in America than it is in the UK.

As you know, I don't take a lot of stock in your supposed "research" where you confirmed what you already lazily believed. What I see is yet the umpteenth iteration of this same British caricature telling everyone else what to think and believe.

It doesn't "cut any mustard" with this American.
sree251 · 41-45, M
They care about exporting our culture so everybody buys American.

Actually, everybody does buy American, and this has been going on since American pop culture and innovation swept the world. You can even find coke cans in Iran. American business is unrivaled, and American lifestyle is coveted. China can never top us in this regard. I am serious. Xi JInping's wife is probably wearing Revlon lipstick. The world do love American; especially, the Chinese. They are our blood brothers when it comes to seeking wealth and the good life. We dominated the world despite the harm to it caused by the US State Department and the Department of Defense.
sree251 · 41-45, M
They care about exporting our weapons to anyone who will by them.

This is a pretty cunning ploy of Deep State: selling US weapons. We (Deep State USA) don't just sell our weapons to make money in a free market. We arm our partners and allies. We have a war plan that determines what we sell and who we sell to. Once sold, those weapons are in place for our use in prosecuting conflicts in contested areas anywhere in the world. Take the Middle East for instance. You and I would wonder why no Arab countries are rising up to fight for the Palestinians in Gaza. Except for Iran, all Arab countries are armed by the US, UK,and the EU. Those weapons are like locked cellphones. They can't fly an F16 to bomb Israel just because they want to. In a major conflict, with Iran (for example), those weapons become fighting platforms coordinated by US computerized satellite enabled management systems to prosecute the conflict. If the Saudi Prince have second thoughts or the Emir of Abu Dhabi is reluctant, MI6 or the CIA will have them disabled and replaced.

In the Indo-Pacific theatre, US bases are dotted on the map from Pakistan, Thailand, Singapore (not a de facto US base but armed with the latest F35 fighter jets and port of call for the US Navy), Philippines, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand not to mention Guam and Hawaii.

I admit I have no credible intelligence on this and pulled the entire scenario out of my head. We sell weapons to suckers who feel protected owning US weapons to deter their neighbors. They pay for the hardware and training. When it is time for Uncle Sam to collect to defend Taiwan, they pay for it with their lives and their countries also. China and Russia would bomb them.

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