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Follow the Money. Anyone Who Thinks a Democrat Can Enter the Race in July & Raise Enough Money to Defeat Donald Trump Is Living in a Fantasy World.

The Biden campaign has some $150 million to $200 million cash on hand.

The ONLY person who can use that cash to run for president other than Joe Biden is Vice President Kamala Harris.

Now, if you want to argue that Biden should resign before the convention and let President Harris be the Democrat nominee, I'll disagree but respect that's at least a game plan. And that would be the BEST game plan OTHER than a Biden-Harris ticket.

And I'm saying that as someone who, although I predicted AND wanted Harris as Biden's VP nominee because I wanted to WIN and felt she would be the BEST VP nominee to help get that win, was not sold on her back in 2020 as a potential nominee for the future. But she is very loyal and I have a favorable view of how she has performed as Veep.

But to think Gavin Newsom is going to ride to the rescue is crazy talk. That's coming from the left. Heck, it isn't even coming from Newsom himself, who has been a good surrogate camapginer for Biden. But the truth is that couldn't even beat Ron DeSantis in a debate.

Same with temper-tantrum throwing Amy Klobuchar. Trump would win.

Pete Buttigieg? 😂 Trump would win. - big.

Sherrod Brown? He's one of the few Dem Senators I really like. But he'd struggle to win his own state.

Gretchen Whitmer? Maybe in 2028.

J. B. Pritzker? OMG no!
I agree. It's too late to pick someone else. It gives the impression of poor judgment on the Democrats' part, or that they were trying to get away with something and got caught. Plus, a brokered convention will be a bloodbath. It's not like any of the people you mentioned would magically have unanimous support. Everyone who wants to replace Biden has someone different in mind. If you think the PUMA voters in 2008 or the Bernie Bros in 2016 were bad, a brokered convention would make those look like nothing.

Biden should have announced that he wasn't running for a second term a year ago. But I can see why he wanted to run. He figured that his candidacy as the incumbent would avoid a bruising primary, which would have been to Trump's advantage since he was essentially also running as an incumbent. It would have been bad, but putting it off until now would be worse.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

The only way to have avoided a bruising primary (which, as you noted, would have been to Trump's advantage) would have been to resign to give Kamala Harris a big enough advantage to defeat all the wannabe presidents relatively easily long before the convention.

But I also think that the Justice Department waited way too long to file charge against Donald Trump re: January 6th. Maybe the calculation was that Trump wasn't going to run and it would all have been mute. But I had no doubt whatsoever.
Thinkerbell · 41-45, F

"Biden should have announced that he wasn't running for a second term a year ago."

Right, Leo, he SHOULD have, if he had been honest. But of course he's NOT honest; he's a politician of a very low sort, with a long career of dishonesty behind him.

So why should he have made such an announcement, from a political standpoint, when partisans like you were insisting at the time that there was nothing the matter with Biden's health except a no-big-deal "lifelong stutter"? 🙄
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
How sad that to be considered as a viable alternative it all comes down to money raised for the party you want to represent.

That's how boardrooms are taken over.

America really has lost the right to call itself democratic.
beckyromero · 36-40, F

Campaign law.

Writing a check to a presidential campaign doesn't mean your donation can to be used by a different candidate not on the ticket that you supported if the leading candidate drops out and the VP candidate isn't nominated for president.

Let's say it wasn't Trump running. Let's say he was impeached AND convicted before leaving office in January 2001 and is also BARRED by the impeachment conviction decision to run for federal office. The MAGA folks, like Gov. DeSantis, are discredited.

So let's say Jeb Bush is the presumed GOP nominee in 2024 and Biden is running for re-election.

But Dem insiders think this is their chance to push out Biden in favor of Lizzy Warren or Pete Buttigieg.

I'd vote for Jeb Bush over either of them (i.e. Warren or Buttigieg - and a bunch of other Dems as well). Why would I want my campaign contribution to Biden-Harris used against my favored candidate when neither Biden nor Harris would be on the Democrat's ticket? I'd want my money back. And federal campaign law agrees with me.

You get your donation returned and then YOU get to decide if you want to send it back to the party for use with the new ticket, send it to a different campaign or use it to buy tickets for all the games in September at Wrigley.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@beckyromero That's even worse !
"Buy the candidate of your choice !"
beckyromero · 36-40, F


Apaprently you missed the latest Supreme Court decision that said it's not a bribe if it's a payoff. In other words, it's legal to accept a payoff AFTER taking an action, just don't accept it BEFORE.

And, no, I am not kidding.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
How much COCAIN will that campaign money buy
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@Patriot96 Don Jr. would know.
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
@luckranger71 not likely bunky. Thats crackhead bidens forte
luckranger71 · 51-55, M
@Patriot96 Sure Hackriot.
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jackjjackson · 61-69, M
It goes to the DNc who decides what to do with it not to the camel. @beckyromero
beckyromero · 36-40, F

The Biden-Harris can't transfer contributions to the DNC that were designated for use in the general election for the Biden-Harris campaign. Those funds can only be used by a candidate on the 2020 ticket: Biden or Harris (or both).

Don't worry. I'll send you some home-baked cookies to munch on while you're doing time.
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