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I'm cheering for whoever puts the United States first.

Broache73 · 46-50, F

We live in a forever State of Emergency, with forever Warfare, forever fear, forever siphoning off our Tax Dollars.


–The Bush 43 Administration lied when it claimed that Iraq was behind 9/11 and had WMD, proceeded to characterize Iraqis as Terrorists in an attempt to justify killing a Million Iraqi Citizenry.

–Since 9/11, over $8 Trillion Dollars of our $34 Trillion Dollar National Debt cesspool is attributable to Wars for Oil which never had to be fought, Wars of Aggression which put the lives of America’s brave Sons and Daughters on the line.

–The United States shelved Diplomacy in favor of Weaponry as a means of International Relations.

–At present the USA spends close to $1 Trillion Dollars a year for supporting a Warfare State and that 60% of all Discretionary Spending goes for preparation for Warmongering.

–The 2002 National Intelligence Estimate, (NIE) which was the (closely held) product of all USIntelligence agencies, did not identify Iraq as a major threat, because it wasn't.The publicly available 2024 Annual Threat Assessment (ATA) of the U.S. Intelligence Community brings forth two paragraphs, out of a 41 page report, regarding “Global Terrorism.”

There was no discussion in the ATA of the basis for President’s most recent Declaration of a National Emergency and the “continuing and immediate threats” even though the ATA report was being drafted at about the time that the President continued the “National Emergency” in the name of a 23-year fight against “Terrorism.”

The CATO Institute, whose pocket Constitution I carry with me, suggests amending the National Emergencies Act to rein in Executive power by requiring Congressional approval, and putting expiration dates on emergency powers.

Does the US have enemies?! Yes.Should we be on our guard?Hell Yes.

“Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty.”

We should also be vigilant againstGovernment manipulating our love of country, playing with our fears, in order to control us, or to use us to support the continued erosion of our US Constitution and advance the malevolent ambitions of the Military Industrial Congressional Complex, of which President Eisenhower warned in 1961.
@Broache73 yup, it's forever - because the alternatives are socialism and communism, and as winners, we don't even allow community.
I’m cheering for people who think for themselves
The population or the NATO?
Which America? Because they're one hundred eighty degrees opposed in their interests.
Biffed · 26-30, M
@Roundandroundwego idk whoever benefits commodities and small cap stocks maybe...??? wbu?
Biffed · 26-30, M
@Roundandroundwego how about you?
@Biffed Jill Stein ain't on the stage and Americans don't see the alternatives. Very passive, very useful population.
butterflybaby75 · 46-50, F
That will never happen. The elite and the executive branch of government do not exist to support or operate for the benefit of ordinary citizens.
JSul3 · 70-79
Be careful. America First can lead to America Alone.
AmericanAvenger · 56-60, M
@JSul3 Even if that were true, it would be better than living in a degraded, infected, and diminished version of America
JSul3 · 70-79
@AmericanAvenger America alone would lead to a degraded, infected, and diminished version of America.
AmericanAvenger · 56-60, M
@JSul3 @JSul3 Not going to argue with someone who doesn't even post their nationality in the profile. For all I know, you are not even American - in which case your opinion doesn't matter on the topic.
American became great by taking care of Americans first. America first doesn't mean alienate the world. It means taking care of home first and foremost before hurting Americans to benefit foreigners. It is what every other country in the world does. No country gives like America. No country takes in more undeserving illegal immigrants like America.
AmericanAvenger · 56-60, M
Well Biden has not put the USA first one time - save yourself some time and start cheering for Trump

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