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This could be the worst $5 billion we spend all year . . .

Photo Above - Kamala Harris, giddy with excitement, announcing her new $5 billion housing program, which actually build zero houses.

For once my critics are right. In an era of trillions in deficits, an extra $5 billion wasted does seem like chump change. Unless you personally won $5 billion in the Powerball lottery. In that case you’d become king Midas in your town. So why am I picking on THIS particular $5 billion government program? Because it’s complete BS. See the MSN link below. Even THEY don't like it.

Kamala Harris proudly takes credit for this atrocity. After 3 and a half years of being criticized for doing nothing, our VP announces this. The money is being gifted to HUD (the Housing and Urban Development department) to address housing affordability. I was ready to cheer, until I read the details.

No cheers, because no new houses will actually be built. A big chunk of the money will be given to local politicians for “homeless shelters, street outreach, homelessness prevention, and community development block grants.” Hey, this is an election year. Some Detroit alderman will soon be running around with a fistful of dollars shouting “Oh yeah - now we can buy them tents, and hire my cousin Hershel to be a block captain”. Don't tell me this isn’t going to make a difference when the votes are counted.

Oh, and some of the money will fund HUD lawsuits against zoning regulations that keep affordable housing from being built. This is the part I like best – AND least.

In multiple columns this year, I’ve been on a tear about zoning laws. Wealthy communities pass them to keep apartments out of sight of the half acre McMansion zip codes. The folks living in those wealthy enclaves make BIG campaign contributions, and they get listened to. So by all means yes, let's reform zoning. But I have a gut reaction against using tax dollars to encourage government agencies to endlessly sue each other in court.

Why can’t we just take the entire $5 billion and use it to build townhouses someplace nice, like Texas? At $250,000 per unit (basic 3 bedroom, no swimming pool, or pickleball court) we could break ground for 20,000 homes instantly. And Texas appears to be where the new jobs are being created anyway. Tesla employees are still showing up daily. There are no new jobs in downtown LA, Detroit, San Francisco, or Chicago. Why give away more sidewalk tents to keep people stuck in dying cities? Worst idea EVER!

I’m just sayin’ . . .

~Kamala Harris announces $5.5 billion to lower housing costs (
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
that's the truly sad part, democrats are so accustomed to blowing through billions, even trillions of dollars, that it's like chump change to them...

their supporters can't seem to fathom how much $1 billion actually is, or that it should go much further than it does in their hands...

we should to build world class mega projects/structures for less than a billion dollars (and yes, even adjusted for inflation), nowadays they can't even build a website for less than a billion...🤔
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@wildbill83 i'm convinced virtually all "new programs" announced in an election year are simply vote buying schemes. this includes:

1. free tents for the homeless
2. expanded rebates for UAW built electric cars.
3. Hydrogen experimental stations
4. tariffs on imported cars
5. forgiving all student loans . . .
wildbill83 · 36-40, M
@SusanInFlorida 90% of it is probably filling the pockets of lobbyists and donors...

i.e. spending a bunch of money on people pushing an agenda rather than spending it on the actual agenda...
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@wildbill83 lobbyists are paid by corporations.. their job is to funnel political contributions and other freebies in a way that escapes regulatory scrutiny.

in return, the candidates are supposed to funnel grants, tax breaks, and no-bid contracts in ways that escape regulatory scrutiny.

remember when Nancy Pelosi inserted no-bid government contract in the middle of the 2,000 page Obamacare bill, which granted millions and millions to some obscure oxygen supplier in her home state of california? she was too afraid to even put them in by name, lest it be found it. they were only identified as "the corporation residing at 123 street name, in the city of . . . "
Patriot96 · 56-60, C
Money goes to democratic donors

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