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Julian Assange plea deal: Government vs the people.

In the plea deal, Assange admitted that he obtained information, related to national defense, that is injurious to the United States. This constituted a violation of the Espionage Act.

Federal prosecutors accepted the admission of guilt. The judge pronounced Assange guilty as charged, and sentenced him to 5 years already serve in a UK prison where he was held - without trial - at the behest of the US Government.

What is the crime? Was camera footage showing criminal acts of the US military killing non-combatants deemed injurious to the United States? What else? Wikileaks did not pick and choose what was either injurious to the United States or detrimental to its national defense. The whole bag of shit was indiscriminately unloaded into the public space for all the people to see.

The people are the government, and we were alarmed and disgusted by what the caretakers (i.e. politicians) of our government have been doing as revealed by whistle blowers to Wikileaks.

And here we are, sitting on our asses like donkeys giving our tacit approval to the plea deal instead of sacking the entire US Government.
When you expose gov't corruption at that level, they will label you as a traitor, a domestic terrorist, etc. - and unless you have some amazing leverage (I'm sure Assange has a kill switch) your a dead man walking. Odd plea agreement...the Wikileaks DNC files were deleted as part of the deal. Not that I doubt copies exist, but if the original is gone, it gives the left some denial plausibility.
@sree251 I can understand discretion is important when it comes to national security, but you are correct. The gov't is supposed to work for us.
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sree251 · 41-45, M
I can understand discretion is important when it comes to national security, but you are correct.

National security is not in the interest of the people. Government's role is to make us safe by making the world a safe place, not by turning it into a hell hole. A third of our taxes go to national defense all because our government is inapt at getting along with other nations.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
I think it is worth noting that it was in fact Chelsea Manning who stole the files and passed them to Assange. I am no fan of Assange. But one conclusion that the prosecutors reached was that no actually harm to American lives or assets had been done As a now convicted felon I doubt Mr Assange will be visiting Disneyland any time soon. And America could use a reminder that America is part of a larger planet, so maybe playing nice would be a good idia..😷
sree251 · 41-45, M
As a now convicted felon I doubt My Assange will be visiting Disneyland any time soon.

As you have said, America is part of a larger planet. Also, Assange's distaste for the US mainland ,by making his plea in the Pacific, is now shared by a rapidly growing part of the human race.

But one conclusion that the prosecutors reached was that no actually harm to American lives or assets had been done

Those prosecutors are dead wrong. Manning's video files showing the merciless gunning down of non-combatants by US helicopter gunners are damning. It put in perspective the wanton killing of Osama bin Laden, Gaddafi, Solemeini, and others, ordered by US Presidents. We. as a nation, have no conscience and feel empowered to take out anyone in the world.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@sree251 In the second quote, I meant that no harm to US interests was done. Its been a long standing policy that America does not recognise the authority of the International community when it comes to war crimes committed by its people on others..😷
sree251 · 41-45, M
In the second quote, I meant that no harm to US interests was done.

It depends on what we mean by "US interests". The interests of the US ruling elites controlling the government are not the same as the interests of we, the American people. Americans who travel abroad to other countries for business or pleasure, and come into contact with their citizens regard them as fellow human beings. We have no enemies. The US ruling elites, however, regard aliens with suspicion and see all other nations, including so-called allies and partners, as potential threats to and enemies of the homeland. They conduct US foreign policy not through diplomacy but dictate it through the barrel of the gun. Wikileaks pulled the covers off and revealed US hypocrisy and shredded the American facade as the defender of human rights and freedom. The US has now lost its authority to imposed its rules-based order on any country in the world. We are done as a nation.

Its been a long standing policy that America does not recognise the authority of the International community when it comes to war crimes committed by its people on others..😷

The international community has been eating out of the hand of the US government, the biggest provider of funds to feed the corrupt regimes installed by the CIA to run the various member countries of the UN. They all toe the line of US foreign policy and form military coalitions as US allies to take down nations that would not yield to American hegemony backed by the EU.

Russia and China have shown defiance. Can they face down the US and its allies?
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
He should have received a blindfold and a cigarette
sree251 · 41-45, M
The US is not part of that clown show, the International Criminal Court.

It could be a clown show because the Netherlands is part of NATO. And NATO is a dependent of the US. Is there a court of law in the US that is not a clown show? What does that tell you? Watch your step, Horace. Get out of line and it is not going to be good for you under the law.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Countries commit crimes. So what?

Countries do not commit crimes, governments do.
HoraceGreenley · 56-60, M
SumKindaMunster · 51-55, M
Oh Lord, totally agreed. Can you imagine? I'd say whatever they wanted me to say to get out of there.
sree251 · 41-45, M
@SumKindaMunster Yes, I don't blame Assange from making the deal to get out of the US and UK clutches. Australians just stood around and watch us and the Brits trying to do him in. Only Ecuador stood up for him.
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
Truth is that we are like paralyzed.
sree251 · 41-45, M
Even most of our thoughts are like paralyzed...
Need to fight this. Must not give up.

Do you mean that our thoughts are in a set pattern? This is true in a sense. We think in a language. I think in English. It is linguistic code.
BlueGreen · 31-35, M
@sree251 If we didn't kept distracting ourselves to some sort of paralysis, we probably would have taken more actions...
sree251 · 41-45, M
If we didn't kept distracting ourselves to some sort of paralysis, we probably would have taken more actions...

What do you mean by "distracting"?
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sree251 · 41-45, M
@SumKindaMunster I am sad for him. He suffered greatly all because he has your sense of justice and mine. I don't have his bravado or guts.
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sree251 · 41-45, M
Never really gave Assange a second thought.

Why would you? I did not give Snowden a second thought either when I watched CNN covering his dramatic escape to Hong Kong. I was in the Singapore airport at the time waiting for my flight to Hong Kong. I even formed the first impression of Snowden as a rogue contractor who had no business passing judgment on his client, the US Department of Homeland Security.

Most Americans today could care less, and even regard Snowden as a traitor. What we perceive depends on what we are as the observer in the world we live in. Most of us live like cattle farmed by our respective governments. People like Snowden and Assange are not manageable and behave like bulls whose balls have not been torn off. You, like most of us, are quite content being a steer.
Picklebobble2 · 56-60, M
@sree251 The same could be said of any point of view if you extract what you want from the information given don't you think ?

Manipulation by design is a government stock in trade
sree251 · 41-45, M
The same could be said of any point of view if you extract what you want from the information given don't you think ?

What do you mean by "extract what you want from the information given"? If we cattle are given hay, we eat it. If we are given corn, we eat it. If we are given soy, we eat it. People like us are managed in societies like cattle reared in feedlots.

Manipulation by design is a government stock in trade

Manipulation is what farmers call herding. We have 350 million human steers in America. China has 1.4 billion. Government's role is to herd us.The police are cattle dogs.

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