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Wait . . . what? Meat prices are up 40% since inauguration day?

Photo above - The Sudan infantry battles the South Sudan militias by day, and poaches giraffes, zebra, and elephants by night.

Red lobster is dead . . . filed for bankruptcy. Boston Market is disappearing into a black hole. It's 5,000 locations have shrunk to about 20. Nobody goes there anymore. Because of inflation.

My usual target in these rants is $20-$26 “living wages” for burger flippers and waitstaff. But the culprit in the link below is outrageous meat and fish prices. The reasons for this 40% inflation are somewhat opaque. “Supply chain problems left over from the pandemic”. Higher fuel/transportation costs. Relentless global population growth. About the only thing that DOESNT get blamed is global warning. But wait until some cornfield has too much rain, or not enough. It will be added to the mix as well. Wait until someone figures out that 250,000 undocumented migrants a month might be part of the problem too.

I'm not an expert on supply chains. Except I know that once a company gets spooked into signing an exclusive, long term contract, the prices your supplier charges seem to go up relentlessly. That supplier is promising product availability, not price stability. If your business plan calls for you to boil 10 million lobsters a month, you can't afford to run out. You just can't. Same with hamburger patties, chicken wings, and nuggets made from parts of the chicken that have no name – just latin terms. Is there a government limit on how much “proventriculus” can be in a nugget, before it gets reclassified as offal?

Don't get me started on steaks. I haven't put one of those on the grill in years. Stringy and tough flank steak is $15 a pound at Trader Joes. Flank steak doesn't even make the top 10 cuts of beef. And don't ask about Whole Foods – their prices are usually double what ordinary people can afford to pay. Check out all the BMWs, Audi's, and Mercedes in the parking lot!

I'm not going to blame pandemic meat prices on Biden. He inherited the Wuhan Government Virus Lab fiasco. And the genetically modified Covid 19 plague which escaped from it. Not Biden's fault, Or Trump's, or Obama's. Although the Obama administration did – for some still unexplained reason - give the Chinese government millions of dollars specifically for their Wuhan mad scientist experiment.

Here's what's even worse than having Red Lobster close its last location. When prices rise for “legitimate” food, people start hunting wild things. I'm not talking venison or turkey here in North America. There are only 2,100 Nubian giraffes left in the world. Giraffes are a favorite target of African “hunters” who use AK-47s, and then hack the animals up with machetes to be sold as bushmeat at rural markets. The cost is waaaay lower than burgers made from cow face muscles, or chicken proventriculus nuggets.

Dock workers are about to go on strike across America. This might not be good for meat prices either. They are envious of UAW members and teamsters who now earn $140,000 a year. I urge the president to NOT show up and walk the waterfront picket line in solidarity, like he did with the UAW. The summer cook-out season is getting under way. Burgers are already $5.99 a pound in most grocery stores now. And if you live in NY or LA, you're paying waaaay more, I betcha . . .

I'm just sayin' . . .

~Shark Tank star Kevin O'Leary reveals why restaurants are closing down across America and warns MORE closures are on the way | Daily Mail Online~
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
Just on the supply chain point. Prior to the pandemic there was a general oversupply that led to competeion and discounting. That was the norm (Yes. There were a few exceptions). But the shortages in the Pandemic and the price rises through gouging and the halt of discounting alerted the corporate world that they could reap high profits on a lower turnover by "managing" supply. Just like OPEC have historically done with oil supply. And they never went back to the discount and oversupply levels. Some cut labor, or shifts And the cost base dropped. And thats where we are. Its global..😷
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F

You say that as if abundance and low prices are some sort of crisis.

what college did you attend, anyway? and what degree? certainly nothing to do with economics, public policy, or history.
JustJan · F
@SusanInFlorida and Politicians and their friends and Families made millions more £'s for their Bank Accounts
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@SusanInFlorida Not a crisis. But the pre pandemic business model was one of global cometeion (Look at Walmart or Costco as your local models.) And profit margins were trimmed to match.And the world and America particularly were close to recession, with stimulation already out there. The Pandemic was a disrupter that changed the paradigm overnight and that Grand Reset in the commerce sector stuck.😷
AbbySvenz · F
The fires in North Texas killed a lot of cattle, which also plays a hand in the hiked price of beef
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@AbbySvenz these weren't reported here in Florida. At least we're not having another "mad cow" scare like the UK did, and slaughtering ALL the cattle.

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