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Fighting inflation!!! Except on cars – those don't matter . . .

Photo above - September 2023. President Biden walks the picket line with UAW strikers, in support of their $140,000 annual salary demand. This month he announced a 100% tariff on some affordably priced imported cars.

“Your vehicle list price is $20,000, ma'am. With the new White House 100% tariff, that will come to a total of $40,000. Would you like to finance that? Our loan rates have recently gone up, due to the Fed Funds increases, which are the highest in 2 decades. . . “

All people wanna do is cut their emissions, and get better fuel efficiency. But we better not try that with cars made overseas. It's 1976 all over again. During the Carter administration quotas were established to stop the arrival of fuel efficient Japanese cars. Buy a V8, or get lost!

Okay, I get it. China is America's most dangerous adversary. Except for possibly Russia, which is invading Ukraine. And Radical Islamists, who regularly post spoofed videos of the White House getting nuked. And North Korea, which will eventually have one of their ICBM tests be successful. After those guys, China is the worst.

China is so bad, that President Biden held a lavish state dinner for Chairman Xi Jinping last year. With literally thousands of propaganda photos. If 100% tariffs were on Biden's mind back then, he neglected to mention it. As his closest aides admit, however, "the president has good days and bad days", like any octogenarian.

So is a 100% tariff on imported cars “good day” thinking, or “bad day” thinking? It's certainly one of those “I don't really care about inflation” thinking days. It's also “let's protect UAW jobs” thinking. Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm said the quiet part out loud earlier this week. See link below.

If you're a Jennifer Granholm fan – as I certainly am – you will recall last year that she took a summer road trip in a Ford Mach-E mustang-like SUV. She and her entourage flew to some city, joined a caravan of mostly ICE vehicles that ran interference for her, and drove 500 miles or so to show that you can recharge an electric car with no problems. Except there were problems. Several charging stations which showed as “operational” on the route map were, in fact, out of order. Resourceful Granholm aides raced ahead to the next one – at a Wal-Mart I believe – and boxed it in so that no legitimate electric vehicle owners could use it. To keep it available for the DOE secretary's arrival. After she recharged, and posed for a photo op, the charging station was re-opened to the public. This is all 100% true.

Back to inflation. I don't need President Biden to tell me how to fight inflation, and when to give in to it. How I spend my take home pay is my own damn business. I already pay federal income tax, gasoline tax, sales tax, social security tax, and what not. The rest of my money shouldn't be confiscated with a 100% imported tariff as a ploy to remind UAW members who to vote for in November.

I blame the founding fathers, actually. They created a Bill of Rights that seems to protect us against everything – except presidents who dream up 100% tariffs when they're behind in the polls. Wouldn't it just be simpler to send his opponent to prison?

I'm just sayin' . . .

~Biden admin official says higher tariffs on Chinese EVs are crucial for US automakers (
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M Best Comment
Well its apparently easier than forcing "local" makers to compete. But China will get you coming and going. They dont care. 25% of your "American Made" car is Chinese components..😷
SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@whowasthatmaskedman marked as best reply.

this is not only true of GM and Ford, but lots of Toyota and Honda assembly lines in the USA get components made in The People's Republic of China too.

Some economists theorize that auto parts and cell phones (international sales) are the only reason China doesn't summarily invade Taiwan and start slaughtering "resisters", like they did at Tiananmen Square.
whowasthatmaskedman · 70-79, M
@SusanInFlorida Thank you for my "Best Comment".Chinas manufacturing economy is much more complex than that, in two directions.From computer components to cheap footwear and clothing and almost everything sold in Walmart, its China.. Plus in the other direction, then have over a billion aspirational Capitalists as a domestic martket to feed. Their biggest issue is raw materials and energy, and they have ways to deal with those. Its true that China interlinks its trade policy, with foreign aid and "defence" and political influence strategies. America has done the same thing. But being centralized, China is in a position to do it better.😷

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SusanInFlorida · 31-35, F
@wildbill83 if domestic automakers go bankrupt, then the federal government will HAVE to step in and pay the pensions for retired autoworkers. The PBGF (pension benefits gurantee fund) is similar to the FDCI. All UAW pensions would become the joint responsibility of the rest of us.

It's in my interest as a taxpayer that GM and Ford NOT go out of business. And that they produce affordable, high quality cars. Which is a stretch, they're paying senior assembly line workers $140,000 annually. More than twice what a teacher earns. Just for carrying pliers and a screwdriver on your toolbelt.
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