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Will Democrats challenge Biden's anti-immigration policy?

Biden is now implementing the very same Trump anti-immigration policies he fought so hard to dismantle?

Democrats went to the Supreme Court on this. They went to the SCOTUS to challenge Trump's executive order. Now Biden is doing the same thing Trump did.

Biden is the reason so many undocumented migrants are coming in. 7 million. Democrats are now flipping the script, claiming Republicans failed to act to stop immigration.
Typical leftwing bs...project and blame others for their own failures. Biden didn't lift a finger to slow down the flow of illegals into the country until they handed out enough driver's licenses and voter's registrations needed to steal the 2024 election. Next, Biden will mumble incoherent sentences about his tough border policy, and that the problem is the fault of Republicans. The majority of the country knows it's bs...but you'll see some nitwits on SW defending the guy. If they are willing to give a senile, incestuous pedophile a pass for molesting his teenage daughter in the shower, they'll overlook the disaster he created on the border as well.
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Jokersswild · 22-25
@jshm2 No I believe the executive order that Biden has put into place says only a certain number of asylum seekers can come in daily and monthly.

Whether or not the immigrants are going to find innovative ways to cross the border, I don't know. Some Democrats are already criticizing Joe Biden on this policy.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
We so desperately need that rank ordered voting, only then will third party options be truly viable. Has the added bonus of eliminating run off elections.
Subsumedpat · 36-40, M
Biden knows he is loosing and it grasping at straws.

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