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According to tRump: if this can happen to me, it can happen to anyone

Really, Dozo the Clown?

It’s true that it could happen to anyone who has sex with a porn star, pays them to kill their story, and falsifies business records to conceal their criminal interference in a national election.
AcDcSWM · 51-55, M Best Comment
I predicted this 4 years ago. I also predicted he wouldn’t stop running his mouth and make things worse for himself. He deserves to face the consequences of his immoral, illegal, and deceptive behavior.
The documents case gets me. He knew the law just fine when he led the lock her up chants.
My service required me to protect these things, avoid relationships with certain people, and keep them from even being seen by satellite! So when I see the literally hundreds of boxes unsecured, the Ryder truck couldn’t haul it all, and they are still trying to get the stuff he successfully hides.
Every single person ever to be arrested for even a single document, went straight to jail, was convicted and quickly in prison.
KunsanVeteran · 61-69, M
@AcDcSWM Exactly! There is no way he can ever again hold elected office!

This was premeditated TREASON and he should be in prison for life.

He always was and remains a clear and present danger to our national security.
AcDcSWM · 51-55, M
@KunsanVeteran correct you are.
According to Supreme Court, congress has to enforce 14th Amendment.
Irony, K.H. As VP will preside over counting legal votes for qualifying candidates. 14th Amendment disqualifies Tboy.
Heads will spin about how Pence could have, but he lacked grounds and knew it.

Bumbles · 51-55, M
I know, I love that he says that. (And in New York state to boot.)

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