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trollslayer · 46-50, M
Well, you could, but it would not change the status quo. At most, a strong showing by a 3rd party candidate would force the losing major party to adjust their platform. For example, if Kennedy pulls a strong 3rd this election, the losing party would look at Kennedy voters and adjust their platform so that next time they will have those voters on their side.

The only way I see of a new party winning major elections is as a split from one of the two major parties. For example, if the GOP changed their rules and nominated Nikki Haley, Trump then forms his own MAGA party and runs under the MAGA ticket. Several of the losers of the Republican Primaries in state races decide to do the same, and should Trump win, the mainstream Republican party then becomes the 3rd party until they die out.

Our winner-take-all style of government discourages the emergence of viable 3rd parties.
calicuz · 51-55, M

The sadest part of our elections is that it's not even about the issues anymore, it's about "winning" at whatever cost. Do anything, say anything, just win. The mainstream media tells us it will take a billion dollars to win this election. I can't remember a time when it was blatantly told to us that the election is pretty much for sale.

Kennedy is now going to be on the California ballot, so, that's where my vote will go. I just can't in good conscience vote for either Biden or Trump
Reason10 · 61-69, M
Trump or Unelected Joe. That's our choice. Voting for an alternative candidate is a waste of time and energy. Just sit home. That's about what your vote is worth when you do that.
calicuz · 51-55, M

that's a lie told to us by the ruling parties. One should, and can, vote for the candidate of their choice.
Musicman · 61-69, M
You can write in anyone you want. You could even vote for me. 😁
calicuz · 51-55, M
WE can vote for who ever we want, even if we want to write the name in.

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