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The Final Outcome

The pitfalls of our Democratic Republic are many. If we allow what is already a media circus to continue especially with the Trump trial and it's aftermath this nation faces a most unsecure future. Today 5 oligarchs control the media as well as the leading corporate economic structure of our nation. They have set in motion the chain of events that are orchestrated to continue to accelerate Americas decline.

The illusion of a free press is just that. No longer are we, the public, in control of our own destiny. We are now being corralled in splinter ideologies filled with raciest overtones that have eroded the very bases of our founding. If this nation is going to survive, we need to realize that the common denominator that binds us all is outlined in the Bill of Rights and the Original US Constitution.

Over the last few decades through partisan politics, supreme court decisions, media manipulation as well as our educational decline the United States faces an unpresented climb back to what our Founding Fathers envisioned for this nation. The future of our world hinges on what we do. Do we sit back and allow our society to succumb to the travesties that are occurring right under our feet.? Or do we have the fortitude to realize what we as Americans can do to put balance back in our society?

The challenges the world faces can no longer be ignored, deemed irrelevant, or otherwise remain oblivious. And yet the challenges are never met head on only skirted around. The inability of our government and governments all around the world to meet the challenges of our times has jeopardized the future for us all.

The challenges that have placed the world on edge have to addressed with the will to usher in the reforms and policy directives that will pave the way to secure our future as a nation while bringing peace through-out the world. When President Lincoln in his Gettysburg Address stated, " That government of the people, by the people and for the people shall not perish from the earth." has long since been eclipsed from the memories of so many. Today our government has drifted so far away from those hallowed words, a government of the people and by the people to now we are functioning under an oligarchy ruling class.

We are a nation that has lost sight of what our Founding fathers and Abraham Lincoln stood for. One nation under God with liberty and justice for all is no longer part of the equation for the United States. These are very serious times, and we need serious leaders who bring empathy, compassion, humility and humanity who look to the future with vision of a more just and peaceful world. Something that is tragically missing by the people we have elected for the past few decades.
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JollyRoger · 70-79, M
My first word: Amen!
@twttimlinnet - please correct me if I twist your statements.

Yes. Now rather than use the word "oligarchs" I'm going to simplify that for the folks who might be reading this. Government depends on 'trusted friends' to achieve its goals. Those goals are defined by technology, natural resources, purchased foreign support (puppet governments), and 'big' businesses of other types. The government taps on the shoulders of these agencies to do its bidding and the payment the agencies receive is 'influence on the government' i.e., "I did you a favor, now you do one for me." The network finally becomes so cumbersome that the government can't satisfy all of the 'markers' that are being called. This is when the government gets overcome and the agency heads (oligarchs) start dictating what the government should do. That is where the USA is today. The companies that supply to the defence the country i.e, the "Military Complex"; the companies that build the buildings, those that build the highways i.e.,all of the 'infrastructure' that the expanding commerce depends upon; the intelligence community (the CIA + various 'think-tanks'): They all control the decisions and actions that the government takes.

Looking back through history you'll remember countries such as Rome, Greece, England, France, Germany, Russia, The Netherlands and many others who became empires through imperialism. There comes a time though when management of the vast acquired estate becomes impossible and the fringes start to be frayed by other competitors who sometimes try to seize back their own territory or just compete to enlarge their own empires. You see that now with China 'hacking' into databases and 'buying' favour in the South Pacific; African countries are shutting out American interests in favor of Russia nurturing them; and internally - people from foreign lands coming to the empire's nest where they see their own future as being profitable and to escape the unsettling skirmishes caused by the competing interests in their homelands.

The people in the 'homeland' see the unsettled horizons too and they look at their government to restore the order they are accustomed to having.... but the government can't settle it because there are too many competing interests for it to manage.

Now... you may say: "Let's change the leadership." but the fact is that even a change of leadership won't change the demands being made on the government i.e., the 'markers' owed are still out there and anyone inheriting the leadership still has to honor them. So: What can be done?

Think on that and I'll let someone else put in some ideas.