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For those who think that this current situation with pro-life vs pro-choice is…

…a curiously odd time to have such a dramatic change in our social climate and history in general, I’m reminded that:

More Babies = More Soldiers
👶 = 🪖
What do you think ?
ninalanyon · 61-69, T
I think I would rather not be reminded of that :-(
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@ninalanyon it’s pretty sad…
Max41 · 26-30, M
They are filling up the heaven , so non-muslims dont live in heaven .

Thus they use kids as human shields .

And they would produce more babies , to produce more citizens as well , citizens will teach isIam and supress non muslims in the name of rights .
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@Max41 Interesting. I don’t think I have ever looked at it from that perspective before. Thank you for sharing.
Max41 · 26-30, M
@Badjujubee In today's time, Muslims can't isIamicise Human countries through fight.
Increasing more population , to increase more seats in United Nations is the only solution.
I've never thought conservatives are actually pro-life, only pro-birth (and this certainly isn't an original thought of mine, I think at a minimum George Carlin said as much). Their interest in you seems to end after birth and not resume until you are legally an adult (ideally a disenfranchised but nevertheless legally exploitable adult), including for cannon fodder if it's a conflict they actually approve of (e.g., Gulf Wars 1 and 2)

But if, say, you're 2 years old, your family is struggling, and you're going hungry, they could care less, but offer you obligatory thoughts, prayers for the optics and bible tracts for the proselytizing (and potential pyramid scheme residuals for the televangelist branch of proselytizers)

It's similar to how a lot of them are likely antisemites 5 or 6 days a week, but the remaining part of the week put on a display of being best friends to either the state of Israel, the Jewish people globally (preferably the ones who identify as Zionists), or both, because Judea might one day be useful to their messianic rapture end times fantasies
Badjujubee · 46-50, F
@BlueGreenGrey I am going to have to ask these kind of questions more frequently because I don’t know enough about this topic especially but plenty of others as well and I’m limited to my own observations and lack of knowledge and understanding about what has happened and what most likely will happen in the coming years. Thank you for sharing and expanding my perspective. I really appreciate your input and your insight.

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