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Fentonisfree · 51-55, MVIP
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Moon3624 · 18-21, F
Dear cherry what do u mean by
“happen again?”

Because various holocausts did certainly happen multiple times again and again to various people not specifically to European Jews
many of them happened by European Jews I mean we tend to forget how many European Jews were owners of huge slavery plants .
And if we want to compensate European Jews for the holocaust they experienced by the Nazis
I suggest we drive non Jewish Germans out of their homes villages and towns and drive them away to a blockaded occupied strip on the verge of their land and kick many others of them to other lands as a punishment but no no holocaust is politicized to legitimize European Zionist Jews going to palestine and creating a state on the ruins of a holocaust they commited to the Palestinians.
It’s not about Jews living there
It’s about foreign people who happen to be Jewish coming and deciding to carve a state for them on an already occupied land

The irony is I don’t even know what’s the point of confusing Israel’s creation with the aftermath of holocaust when the plan precedes it.

The reason we always say holocaust this and holocaust that because powerful people are using the media for their own political benefit
Politicizing an event
to make us endorse a settler colonial project that wasn’t even created because of the holocaust but the European Jewish state desire that was in action way before the holocaust where they even discussed making Argentina and many other parts of Africa their location of settler colonialism it just so happened it was Palestine .

and they have been using the holocaust as a victim card and turned it into an entire industry. Normal Jews use the holocaust to sympathize with Palestinians.

Ironically Zionists themselves are in denial of the holocaust they gave the Palestinians in 1948 or prior or after but they go crazy when people deny their holocaust.
There are multiple types of persecution around the globe right now happening
To different people majority you don’t even know about
But oh let’s focus on an event that happened in world war 2 instead of solving modern day issues.
I’m pretty sure before the 7th of October many people didn’t even know Palestinians were under illegal occupation or apartheid or constantly killed and ethnically cleansed or their land was being usurped because it doesn’t fit western media mainstream agenda despite videos of it human organization reports of it
UN reports of it etc
People didn’t even know Israel doesn’t let ethnically cleansed Palestinians return to their homes despite UN condemnations and despite it violating the Geneva convention
But how can UN succeed when USA vetoes every single UN resolution because of AIPAC and friends of Israel ?

There was a protest in Gaza
Literally called “the march of return “ in 2018
Where the Gaza population protested for their right to return (70% of Gaza isn’t from Gaza but pushed into it by Israel )
They also demanded the Palestinians abroad to be be able to return home

The Israeli faschist Nazi regime ceases to exist anymore simply by :
1/ letting the displaced return
2/ giving everyone on the land the right to vote

Boom Zionism no longer exists.
Moon3624 · 18-21, F
Nothing is better than the taste of dignity and freedom. Thats the most basic metric that you seem to not know.

Also I dont see how your comment is justifying the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and replacing them with foreigners from abroad
Or how turning them into one of the biggest refugee crisis in the world and their destruction benefited them in may metric
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@Moon3624 quality of life is quality of life. I’ll take a hot meal and a hot shower over dignity any day. I’ll bet many in SA would too.
I don’t consider what Israel is doing as genocide or ethnic cleansing. What foreigners are moving into Gaza to take the place of the Palestinians ?
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There's a genocide going on right now in Gaza.

Western media talks about the Nazis like they were a unique evil. The sad truth is that there have been many genocides throughout history and it continues today.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@BohemianBoo exactly. The Hebrews have been keeping track of their history for over 5 millenniums.
And nobody considers 30k out of 2.5 million to be a genocide . Ghenghis khan committed genocide.
@AthrillatheHunt But Judaism, as a religion, came after Christianity. Though today, Jewish identity is no longer about religion, now it's about ethnicity.

Genocide isn't about numbers, it's about intent. The Holocaust was a genocide because it targeted a people, specifically based on ethnicity. The Nazis also killed lots of Germans who opposed the regime, but that wasn't an attempt to wipe out a people. It was still mass murder, but not a genocide.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@BohemianBoo the religion of Judaism came when Hashem gave the commandments to Moses in the Sinai .
Moses came before Jesus .
Guardian · 56-60, M
Where were you on October 7, 2023?
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@SW-User you consider 30k out of a million extermination ? That’s a drop in the bucket by most standards .
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Yes. Quite apart from the Israelis committing genocide in Gaza, the Chinese government is carrying out an extermination of the Uighur in Xinjiang, and there is ethnic cleansing AGAIN in Darfur, Sudan.

But then, they're not white, so the world does not consider this a problem. Also, let's not upset Israel/China, right?
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trollslayer · 46-50, M
I think the nazi model of industrial genocide with camps and gas chambers directed at a particular ethnic group is unlikely. Genocide today is more likely to be disguised as something else - finding an excuse to declare a population as a threat to your society and getting rid of them in other ways - relegating them to a lower status, giving them less rights, murdering them when there is an uprising and claiming “law and order”, imprisonment, outlawing languages or religious practices, etc.
@trollslayer Generally, today's genocides use the Holodomor model of denying people food and other essential resources.
NinaCherry · 26-30, F
@trollslayer yeah thats the essence of my question. because Holocaust was 100 percent out in the open
the Holocaust had industrial killing; vans (with gas), gas chambers, mass shootings throughout multiple and very vast locations

in most genocides, people are usually starved or shot.

however, the UN definition is very almost anything could be a genocide
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Northwest · M
The Holocaust, defines a single attempt to eradicate a single religious group, so those who stick to the definition will agree that it's unique.

However, in multiple places around the world, brown and black populations are decimated to genocide-levels, and no one is capable of putting an end to it.

Examples: Gaza and Sudan.
Northwest · M
Why not? You liberals say it all the time.

I don't know who "you" are. However, I try to make sense, and you still don't.
@Northwest Every accusation is a confession.
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Reason10 · 61-69, M
Actually, the LAST holocaust, (which took the lives of billions of BABIES) partially ended when Roe was overturned.
HumanEarth · 56-60, F
Yes I do, and I believe it is going on now, but very slowly.

By 2030 it will be in force and people won't even see it happening to them. You will see higher force vaccinations rates, high death rates from cancer and diseases, You'll see attack on the use of the internet (can't promote freedom), small family farms will be a thing of the past and shit going to get really bad. Worst than the Great Depression.
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
Genocides can and will happen again, and there is one going on right now.

The specific mechanized slaughter of the holocaust where you're finding an industrial way to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time... probably not?

But who knows. History has a way of repeating itself.
AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
@CountScrofula try legal suicide machines . They got em in several European nations already. Does that count as a mechanized slaughter , even if it’s voluntary (for now ).
CountScrofula · 41-45, M
@AthrillatheHunt I'm not sure those exist like you think they do.

But either way I think that's a different ethical question lol
hotarabgirl · 22-25, F
it’s already happening to the palestinians since 1948
looping · 18-21
wasn't/isn't china holding a bunch of Muslims in camps?
DiegoWolfe · 36-40
Yes they still happen to this day!!!
It's been happening every day with continuity, Palestine removed so you whites don't have Jews in Europe. No taking notice? Sure. You don't u don't u don't know. You still don't know anything after I just told you. Forever people who can't know will ruin everything.
Beth35 · 36-40, F
Yes look at Putin or his buddy Trump
DerSilberneKonig1 · 22-25, M
I mean... the genocide of one race/relgion by another, certainly did not start with the holocaust as far as i'm aware, and it definitely won't be the last.
DerSilberneKonig1 · 22-25, M
@NinaCherry As far as religions go? maybe, i'm not sure. I think around 11 million people died? but the most deaths caused by a twit in charge goes to mao zedong at around 45 million, and i think seconded by ghenghis khan at about 40 million.
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
@DerSilberneKonig1 accurate, but Mao's actions, while absolutely horrible, wasn't genocide. Genocide means intentionally trying to wipe out an ethnic group wholly or in part.
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AthrillatheHunt · 51-55, M
Apartheid was nothing like a genocide. Jews lives didn’t get worse after the holocaust.
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Jenny1234 · 51-55, F
I think we are in the beginning stages
Hutu militias were more industrious than the Nazis (that means yes)
trollslayer · 46-50, M
@ImperialAerosolKidFromEP well, they did not build gas chambers, set up transport networks, or create a whole arm of government for this purpose.
@trollslayer and even without all that streamlining, they still managed to kill faster
basilfawlty89 · 31-35, M
There have been many genocides since the Holocaust. For example in Rwanda and Bosnia.
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