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With Another Arctic Blast Hitting Texas, Where Will Senator Ted Cruz Go On Vacation Until It Is Over?

Poll - Total Votes: 24
Cancun, Mexico Again
Havana, Cuba
Tegucigalpa, Honduras
Nassau, Bahamas
Medellin, Columbia
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specman · 51-55, M
You forgot camp David oh your boy Biden might be there!
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman Cruz wouldn't go anywhere important, And he wouldn't stay in the state with you and his other constituents either.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair if anybody that was financially able to leave an area that the weather got real bad they would. If your job requires you to stay in contact with others and you create that then I don’t have a problem with that. It ain’t like he could magically make all the bad weather go away. It wouldn’t benefit anyone if he stays or not. Now Biden on the other hand should be up early and not go on so many vacations to fix the problems America has.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman I see. So Biden is held to a far different standard than Cruz, who doesn't have to do his job when he doesn't want to. With supporters like you, no wonder he has been re-elected to his office where he can continue to lie to the cheers of Texans who love his culture wars bullshit.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair Biden has a more important role
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman And Biden has been on the job far more than his predecessor and continues to do the job that Trump proved he cannot. Trump never started his day until late morning. He was too busy watching Fox News and tweeting to do actual work.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair Actually Biden starts later in the morning and the country is in shambles now. Besides we are not talking about or comparing Trump. You brought him up to divert.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman Not according to people who have dealt with both presidents. Biden does his job and does it much better than Trump ever did. You need to stop watching Reich-wing media.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair Your still comparing Trump.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman Unemployment is lower than it was when the former president left office. Millions more people are employed. The federal annual budget deficit has been reduced. The US is producing record amounts of oil and gas. Inflation has come way down. The stock market is close to record highs. And we have a president who works for everyone in the US, not just his base. We are far better off than we were.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman That should be "You're".
specman · 51-55, M

windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman Not according to people who have dealt with both presidents. Biden does his job and does it much better than Trump ever did. You need to stop watching Reich-wing media.

ABC News
ABC News
The 2024 primary season begins with Donald Trump well ahead of his Republican opponents on key measures of popularity, while Joe Biden's job approval rating has dropped to a low for any president in the past 15 years, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds.
specman · 51-55, M


windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman Not according to people who have dealt with both presidents. Biden does his job and does it much better than Trump ever did. You need to stop watching Reich-wing media.

ABC News
ABC News
The 2024 primary season begins with Donald Trump well ahead of his Republican opponents on key measures of popularity, while Joe Biden's job approval rating has dropped to a low for any president in the past 15 years, a new ABC News/Ipsos poll finds.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman And your point is? Popularity of a Cult-figure to his Cult doesn't say anything about the facts other than the poll number. It literally means nothing in reality. We already know his Cult believes lies and misinformation, and the polling proves it.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair It's how people feel about real world effects on them. That is what really counts
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman It measures what people feel once they have been fed continuous bullshit by the right wing media machine. Unfortunately it doesn't change the facts on the ground.

It is like saying the 2020 election was stolen from Trump because people believe it was, when it has never been anything but a lie with absolutely no evidence to support it.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair They base their vote and opinion on how everything that president does effects them. Another words How America is ran. The success of a president in a Democracy which is for the people and by the people is his approval rating. It's a grade on how he is doing (how he's doing his job)
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman They base their vote on what they are told is going on. Nothing more or less. And when Republicans lie continuously about the facts, all approval ratings are going to be low. Get used to it.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair actually they base it on not what they hear but how it is affecting them personally.
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman How they are told it is affecting them personally. Inflation is down to 3.4%, but people perceive it is higher because they are told how bad it is at the moment. And people believe Biden has dementia, when there is no evidence of it. Millions of people continue to believe the Big Lie about the 2020 election, even though there is no evidence of it ever happening.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair There are more left leaning news medias that are mainstream than right leaning and the popular fact checking sites lean left.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair They see the effects
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman That's because facts, data, and reality have a clear left--wing bias. Delusion and misinformation skews right-wing.
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair From all the policies and decisions he has made effects the situations of the people.

Food prices are rising because of several factors, including inflation, labor costs, the supply chain and the war in Ukraine. Labor costs are still high, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Food production costs are estimated to increase 4.1% in 2023, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Not to mention how his policies are effecting the Southern Border
specman · 51-55, M
@windinhishair The left saying their news is the one you should be listening to. That is a load of bullshit if i ever heard it
windinhishair · 61-69, M
@specman Follow the facts. Right wing media dispensed with them many years ago. Now many Cult members believe things that are objectively false.